Gram Parsons was one of those tragic figures who make you think of the old saying, “The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long”. His influence on musicians who followed him is immeasurable. From Keith Richards and […]
Gram Parsons was one of those tragic figures who make you think of the old saying, “The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long”. His influence on musicians who followed him is immeasurable. From Keith Richards and […]
Can’t forget the Motor City. Whether in the timeless sounds of Motown or in the resilience of Patti Smith, Detroit has left its gritty and elegant mark on modern music. Although the Volebeats have yet to carve a permanent and […]
“When it started, the whole purpose of this band was to get beer and money,” Waco Brothers ringleader Jon Langford says of the band’s $50-a-gig beginnings a couple years ago. In the bargain, club owners in the band’s hometown of […]
“Country” is a fine word, and it’s always been one of my favorites, mostly because, like all the best words, it can mean so many things. Apply it to music and it can suggest a hundred different sounds, from the […]
Truth is, I know next to nothing about Ernest Tubb. I should, of course, and so the arrival of this 456-page opus from Ronnie Pugh, who spends his days as head of reference at the Country Music Foundation, seemed a […]
Hank Williams once sang, “Let me sing my song ’til they call me home to a land beyond the blue.” The happy rovin’ cowboy died on New Year’s Day 1953, but every year the week before that dubious anniversary since […]
Famous within and outside his current hometown of Austin, Texas, native South Carolinian DesChamps “Champ” Hood needs no introduction in the Southeast. As one-third of the legendary Texas-by-way-of-Carolina acoustic trio Uncle Walt’s Band, and as a consummate guitarist and fiddler […]
Editor’s note: Walter Hyatt was one of the 110 people who died in the ValuJet Flight 592 crash in the Florida everglades earlier this year. We noted his passing in the “Farther Along” column of the Summer 1996 issue of […]
Dee Lannon is a rockin’country singer-songwriter who lives in Los Angeles, California. Although she sings some covers of Merle Haggard, Rose Maddox and Buddy Holly, she is not merely a revivalist or traditionalist. She’s also a great singer who writes […]
Known for their sweet, mild flavor, vidalia onions were declared Georgia’s state vegetable in 1990. It’s a fitting name for one of Atlanta’s most promising country bands, whose pedal-steel-washed music is rooted in the soul of sweet Southern soil. Vidalia […]
FRESH TRACK: Matt Andersen – “Magnolia”Check it out
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