One is rarely privileged to see an authentic high priest in the cathedral of country music. But as so often seems the case with organized religion, the distance between the preaching and the practicing is the space between rapture and […]
One is rarely privileged to see an authentic high priest in the cathedral of country music. But as so often seems the case with organized religion, the distance between the preaching and the practicing is the space between rapture and […]
Not quite two years ago now, when I had just moved into the converted garage which had been Peter’s first home in Seattle, and he’d just moved into the front house, and we’d both decided to take each other’s hallucinations […]
BOX (NOT SO) FULL OF LETTERS Nevermind the CMA: Here’s the WWF Dear No Depression, While I am sure that the No Depression staff of fact-checkers works around the clock to make sure that all information in the magazine is […]
Perhaps it would be better if they did pave paradise, if we were left with only a smooth parking lot, torn photographs and faded memories. Or, to quote Robert Frost via S.E. Hinton, “Nothing gold can stay.” Still, even in […]
I SHALL NOT BE RELEASED (YET): So you wondered why we wrote this big ol’ story about the BOTTLE ROCKETS new record in our last issue and then you ain’t seen hide nor hair of the thing in the stores, […]
A funny thing happened on the way to alt-country for 19 Wheels. Formed as a rootsy outfit in 1994, they’ve got the trucker name, a single (“13 Seconds to Burn”) about wantin’ to bust out of prison, and a hellishly […]
Laurence Leamer doesn’t give up easy. While researching this gossipy country music tell-all, he turned up in Dublin, hoping, somehow, that Emmylou Harris would let him tag along as she and the Hot Band crisscrossed Europe. Amazingly, the reclusive Harris […]
Rural Oregon, off Highway 99: With all due respect and apologies to pater and mater Villanueva, one wonders if Buck Owens ever had a milk route that would have taken him through these parts ’round about the Summer of Love. […]
Right now, Ana Egge is living a charmed life. The 20-year-old singer/songwriter has captivated the music community of Austin. Though she’s only been here a relatively short time, her live performances at songwriter-friendly spaces such as Threadgill’s and the Cactus […]
Two years ago The Geraldine Fibbers released their major-label debut Lost Somewhere Between The Earth And My Home, an intriguing mix of sonic guitars with traditional bass and violin, topped off by the captivating voice of Carla Bozulich. Since then, […]
FRESH TRACK: Matt Andersen – “Magnolia”Check it out
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