There are plenty of clubs where you can go see bands around Raleigh, North Carolina. There’s the Brewery over by the N.C. State campus, where the Backsliders made their live record a few years back. Or Humble Pie in the […]
There are plenty of clubs where you can go see bands around Raleigh, North Carolina. There’s the Brewery over by the N.C. State campus, where the Backsliders made their live record a few years back. Or Humble Pie in the […]
As with many great bands, the sound of Jason & the Scorchers emerges from a culture clash. The band is unique partly because of how the tastes and influences of its members diverge as much as they converge. Singer Jason […]
Red Star Belgrade’s bio, a random assortment of trivial fragments, collapses into a kind of loose-limbed rock ‘n’ roll riddle: What Chicago-based/roots-rock/husband-and-wife duo started its career as a Chapel Hill, North Carolina, outfit named after a legendary but tarnished First […]
“Mama said I used to go out in the yard when I was around nine or ten years old. My dad had cut down this big oak tree and left a stump there, and Mama said I’d get up on […]
Those seeking a further understanding of Jay Farrar’s pungent, elliptical poetry will find no clear answers in the work of his father, James Paul “Pops” Farrar. Rather, they will discover a different kind of artist altogether, a wise and weathered […]
We discover, indeed, that we don’t know our part; we look for a mirror; we want to rub off the make-up and remove everything that is artificial, and become real. But somewhere a piece of our disguise still sticks to […]
You know the old rock crit cliche; we’re all just a bunch of pathetically jealous shut-ins too shit-scared to pick up a guitar, so instead we twaddle our intellect. Hell, in his career-summing phone book A Whore Just Like The […]
Even if you’ve never seen him do the GQ as the suit-and-tied host of PBS’ “Sessions At West 54th”, you may find it difficult to picture John Hiatt a-sittin’ and a-rockin’ on his back porch playing his perfectly good acoustic […]
Five years, 28 issues, 2,824 pages. It’s far too much to revisit in one sitting with any sense of completion, and entirely impossible to encapsulate on a single page. What follows, then, are simply a few things that made us […]
When Emma Gibbs allowed her grandson and his buddies to practice at her house, she probably had no idea they would decide to thank her by naming their band after her. The material they worked on there eventually became Seven […]
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