He made a mess of this town. But you wouldn’t know it from his yard. Scott Miller, a.k.a. “A. Scott Miller,” onetime denizen of Knoxville’s city neighborhoods and seedy bars, a man who has watched entire months of nights blur […]
He made a mess of this town. But you wouldn’t know it from his yard. Scott Miller, a.k.a. “A. Scott Miller,” onetime denizen of Knoxville’s city neighborhoods and seedy bars, a man who has watched entire months of nights blur […]
Mention the name John Edwards in North Carolina nowadays, and most people will think you’re referring to the state’s junior senator — the one who isn’t Jesse Helms. In certain circles around Chapel Hill, however, the name carries another significance. […]
Could the best twang-informed roots band you’ve never heard be alive and thriving in, of all places, New York City? It could well be. The outfit in question is Star City, named not for the Russian rocket base, but for […]
No less a figure than Greil Marcus said of Teddy Morgan’s 1999 HighTone release Lost Love And Highways that he would “have Hank Williams and Kurt Cobain high-fiving if they weren’t so pissed they didn’t see this coming.” That’s some […]
What remains of Varnaline, Versions One and Two, is now sitting in boxes in frontman Anders Parker’s closet. After the dissolution of the Zero Hour label, Parker became keeper of the remaining copies of his band’s early recordings, which he […]
A relatively affluent inner-ring suburb, Huntington Woods seems to blithely ignore the notion of Metro Detroit as a wasteland of post-industrial blight. The houses here, generous old brick edifices mostly, sit well back from the shaded streets. They’re carefully kept […]
It seemed perfectly suitable when news came that Steve Earle was putting together a collection of short stories. Long considered one of our era’s most literate songwriters, Earle seemed a natural to delve into prose. With Doghouse Roses, Earle proves […]
Fans who have seen the Handsome Family in concert know that Rennie Sparks can spin a twisted tale. In Evil, a self-published collection of 13 disturbing short stories, Sparks revisits many of the same themes she explores as a lyricist […]
At this point the commercial success of O Brother, Wherea Art Thou? is bound to be condemned in some corners as a marketing juggernaut, instead of honored as the happy accident it has been. But back on May 24, 2000, […]
Just past a brief title sequence, we enter a worship service in full joy, finely dressed folk stomping and shouting and working it all out while a steel-guitar-led band orchestrates the service. The camera cuts to Bishop Charles E. Campbell: […]
FRESH TRACK: Matt Andersen – “Magnolia”Check it out
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