“I have to keep growing, keep evolving. Not very many musicians make it big enough to retire, and I didn’t want to think about having to do something else….If you’re lucky, you get to do this for the rest of […]
“I have to keep growing, keep evolving. Not very many musicians make it big enough to retire, and I didn’t want to think about having to do something else….If you’re lucky, you get to do this for the rest of […]
Hope Nunnery has a name, a voice and a story that all seem in their own ways too good to be true. At least until you hear her talk about them. Then, like the songs on her first album, Wilderness […]
Sure enough, he’s a rambler and a gambler and a sweet talkin’ ladies man. Well, Hayes Carll is a musician, and from Texas, so all that goes more or less with the territory, at least by tradition. But he is […]
Robin Pecknold of Fleet Foxes owes a hefty aesthetic debt to Oklahoma. Not the actual state, but the landmark 1943 Rodgers & Hammerstein musical. When Pecknold was young, musicals taught him to sing out and feel at ease onstage. “Doing […]
One thing I’ll always admire Boy George for was his statement that he hated white people. True, it was just aimed to shock tabloid readers, but his explanation was that white was the absence of color, and without color, life […]
While serving an internship as a sound engineer at Philip Glass’ studio in New York, Dawn Landes got an up-close-and-personal look at how the likes of David Bowie, Joseph Arthur, and Glass himself brought their compositions to life. She kept […]
Quotation: “I try to not be too conscious of creating music. I just try to let it be. That’s what makes great music, I think.” –Dan Tyminski Dan Tyminski doesn’t do what’s expected of him. After the amazing success of […]
Since the late 1950s, folkies have looked to the past for inspiration, and made connections between the popular rhythms of their day and the ancient excursions of their hip — and often unheralded — forebears. It probably doesn’t matter that […]
Where to begin, this ending? With the thing that has always mattered most: The music. In the spring of 1998, the fourteenth edition of this magazine proclaimed Alejandro Escovedo to be Artist Of The Decade. It was a puckish thing […]
“It was so different back then, with the word-of-mouth thing. People weren’t looking it up on the internet, but were actually reading a magazine.” — Laurie Stirratt You can feel a joyful yearning wash over the Atlanta audience as guitarist […]
FRESH TRACK: Matt Andersen – “Magnolia”Check it out
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