Click here for a free mp3 download of the song The Liberty Tree. DO NOT FILE SHARE OR UPLOAD FOR ALTERNATIVE DISTRIBUTION. Words and music by James Kole © copyright 2009 James Kole Publishing ASCAP James Kole
Click here for a free mp3 download of the song The Liberty Tree. DO NOT FILE SHARE OR UPLOAD FOR ALTERNATIVE DISTRIBUTION. Words and music by James Kole © copyright 2009 James Kole Publishing ASCAP James Kole
Review: Slide to Freedom II By Doug Cox and Salil Bhatt (Northern Blues Music) Review by Douglas Heselgrave Cross cultural conversations in music are nothing new, and the novelty that once accompanied the release of albums like Paul Simon’s Graceland […]
Lavay’s new record, Miss Smith to You, is set for release on September 8, 2009. And if you live in the San Francisco area, there is a release party scheduled for Saturday night, August 29, at Ashkenaz in Berkeley and […]
Was a time, back when record labels roamed the earth hunting for hits and cheap product, when even a struggling scribe could hope to be in a position to somehow assemble a record in tribute to his or her favorite […]
. ============================================ . A note on our Saturday “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” pick, 7 pm in Santa Monica… Even the L.A. Times discovered this one today (we’ve had it as a pick since August 11):,0,4373835.story – here’s an excerpt from the newspaper: […]
Six months ago, in a very ceremonious phone call, Kyla and I each clicked a little box on a web page, opening the flood gates, so to speak, on this new version of We had less than 100 members […]
1. Terry Allen is West Texas. For those who haven’t spent much time out there, nothing is very surprising once you pass Eastland on I-20. Upended Cadillacs pressed into the caprock? Sure. Runaway longhorns on the access road? Absolutely. Inexplicable […]
’69 Flying Burrito Bros (w/Gram) FM: Ray Wylie live video: Willy DeVille King Biscuit: DBT’s 2009 Asheville show: Rory Gallagher’s Taste ’68-69 soundboard:
This is my first interview in a long time! This great guy, Shawn Connor over at Guttersnipe, interviewed me last week for the site and had me laughing so hard the whole time that I could barely get through it! […]
. The editor has returned from the High Sierra, having weathered a storm at high altitude and encountered other surprises. Now, as expected, he’ll be sorting-through HUNDREDS of emails that arrived in his absence (about a thousand, actually. Do the […]
FRESH TRACK: Matt Andersen – “Magnolia”Check it out
SPONSORED BY Sonic Records