She is growing and emerging to a cd player near you!
She is growing and emerging to a cd player near you!
Mamaw is, I think, 88, and we have worked her too hard this last little while. See, the orchard we began putting in a few years back is still too young to begin bearing, and, what with a late local […]
Untitled © Jackson Rodgers Well, hello, my son, how’s pre-life treating you? You’d best beg for a pardon, for I’ve been programmed to Drag you out of that bliss of not knowing the difference And force upon you all the […]
The Blood Left on the Door © Jackson Rodgers and Jesse Bellamy You found her makin’ haste In a world full of slow pain The stars upon her face Were fadin’ from tear stains You showed her to a place […]
Satisfy the Need © Jackson Rodgers Long nights are lonely and full of pain But the reason can’t be found Long nights are lonely, but days are empty So you wake when the sun’s goin’ down You look for someone […]
The Mid-tempo Ballad of Jimmie Rodgers © Jackson Rodgers Well, my name is Jimmie Rodgers And I’m ‘least half the country singer that he was I’m a poor boy who asks questions Lemme tell you, that can often cause a […]
Bombadil recently made a stop at The Horseshack in downtown Rock Island, Ill for a Daytrotter live session, which is now available for your listening experience. Learn more about Bombadil and listen to the live session HERE.
Some people call them Desert Island Discs. I call them Albums without Which My Life Just Wouldn’t Be Quite What It Is. Not as catchy, but what can you do? Anyway, Elliott Murphy’s debut, Aquashow, has always been high on […]
It Is What It Is or Making a Record for under $100 I recently went to Nashville and made me a record. I can now tell all of my friends that I am a Nashville Recording Artist. I’m a big […]
‘Introducing Townes Van Zandt Via The Great Unknown’ is an album, which pretty much does what it says on the tin: It introduces one of the greatest songwriters/singers ever, via 19 artists, who though they happen to be amazing, float […]
FRESH TRACK: Matt Andersen – “Magnolia”Check it out
SPONSORED BY Sonic Records