To a chorus of Malvina Reynolds’ “Little Boxes,” reprising the notion of “Weeds” but not the weed of the series. Once again, I seek to clean. My stacks of unlistened-to-CDs go back three years, to right about when the magazine […]
To a chorus of Malvina Reynolds’ “Little Boxes,” reprising the notion of “Weeds” but not the weed of the series. Once again, I seek to clean. My stacks of unlistened-to-CDs go back three years, to right about when the magazine […]
Here’s a funny story…more of a giggle “Ha!” than a laugh factory, but it’s still a worthy tale none the less. Not to mention it’s all true, every bit of it I know. I was there. When I was young […]
Mysterious things have happened to my last two blogs. Which is to say that I hit “publish” and they vanished, except that the software here seems to remember their names. I am not competent to guess at such mysteries, but […]
The press release that accompanied this album sure seemed heavy on the hype. The record, it claimed, represents “one of the great unheralded achievements of the alt-country movement”—a “lost Americana classic” that came out in the “legendary” Blue Shadows’ native […]
Episode 11 of the Taproot Music Feed Podacast is out! This episode features Kelley Ryan on “the boy way vs the girls way of making music,” Black Bone Child telling the story behind releaseing two CDs at the same time, […]
The Cold Stares are my friends and one kicking roots duo. I love these guys and so will you! Please help me send the Band to Hyde Park to perform at Hard Rock Calling 2010 with Paul McCartney and Stevie […]
She’s the Tift that keeps on giving. In the middle of promoting the release of her fourth studio album, See You On the Moon, Tift Merritt is preparing to go on tour, editing The Spark, the monthly interview radio show […]
I get a real buzz when I get to listen to British band who’ve soaked up the influences of American roots music and formed into something that maintains that vibe but with a distinct UK side too, Westerner is the […]
I got a surprise media enquiry from reporter Derrick Ho of CNN.He had heard my song Drill Baby Drill about the Gulf Coast oil spill and wanted to know if I had more songs. Apparently he is working on a […]
Slim Bryant died yesterday at the age of 101. More photos and info here. Here’s a short bio from his My Space page where you can also check out some of his music: Thomas Hoyt “Slim” Bryant is a country […]
FRESH TRACK: Matt Andersen – “Magnolia”Check it out
SPONSORED BY Sonic Records