So is this finally Rick Shea’s year? After an illustrious career as the consummate Sideman and Producer – that’s him sitting next to Dave Alvin on Justified, playing steel with I See Hawks and Osborne Jones and twiddling the knobs […]
So is this finally Rick Shea’s year? After an illustrious career as the consummate Sideman and Producer – that’s him sitting next to Dave Alvin on Justified, playing steel with I See Hawks and Osborne Jones and twiddling the knobs […]
The concept album is defined as a single album where all the songs unite a common theme. Musical history is littered with said records and while some deliver classic collections of songs others sputter along being kept alive by one […]
To be perfectly honest, I don’t know why I started writing this piece about Elliott Smith this week. I was never a big fan, never studied his music very closely. I didn’t even like it all that much until I […]
I do these First Listen Reviews every now and then, pulling a couple of CDs at random from the often overwhelming stacks of review copies piling up in my office. Were I to write a full-length well-considered review, I would […]
How many flat pickers does it take to change a lightbulb? At least five. One to change the bulb and four to say, “I can do that faster.” How many Eric Lamberts does it take to put a smile on […]
When I first began to hear the name Waydown Wailers I imagined a sound somewhat akin to Waylon Jennings. After listening a few sample cuts on the internet, I had them pigeon holed as a “Southern Rock” band. Now that […]
Nathan Williams never disappoints. On record and in person, you can always depend on Williams’ rockin’ Zydeco to lift your spirits and move your feet. For this outing on his own Cha Cha label, it’s a Williams convention, a multi-generational […]
As I write this, Opening Day is just three hours away – well, Opening Day of the 2013 World Series. A good time to listen anew to Peter Cooper’s recent CD, “Opening Day.” The bases on “Opening Day” (Red Beet […]
True country music has deep roots and everything to do with people telling stories while trying to survive. It’s a rich tradition blending African American field hollers, gospel, and blues, with Scotts-Irish fiddle tunes, ballads–European instruments (like guitars and mandolins) […]
FRESH TRACK: Matt Andersen – “Magnolia”Check it out
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