Michael Rank still sees the world through Stones-colored glasses but on his third record with Stag he continues his shift to a folkier acoustic less rocking more organic sound. On Mermaids Rank’s rough-hewn vocals are complemented by Emily Frantz’s sweet harmonies […]
Chuck Berry turns 87 today. It’s impossible to measure his contribution to popular to music. He influenced The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, The Beach Boys and generations of musicians and fans. He’s become part of the American soul today with […]
Whenever I meet a fan of The Levellers I feel it’s my duty as a Brightonian to point out they were not the best folk rock band to emerge from my seaside hometown during the late 1980s and early 1990s. […]
Snowed In is a five song EP, that Smith is releasing at the end of this month. This will be ten years since Mindy began her journey as a singer- songwriter almost exactly ten years ago, she already was a songwriter […]
Skydiggers – She Comes Into the Room The Skydiggers have been in the business a long time: the band’s debut release came out in 1990, the same year as Uncle Tupelo’s genre busting No Depression and not long after the Cowboy Junkie’s […]
Vancouver-based indie folk collective The Fugitives are the brainchild of songwriters Adrian Glynn, and Brendan McLeod. The duo have followed the formula of taking on a music genre that is the current vogue and combining it with smart songwriting, stellar […]
Review by Douglas Heselgrave You’ve got to be either very tough or very foolhardy to consider writing a biography of Bob Dylan this late in the game. The subject in question has expressed so much derision, bafflement, and bemusement over […]
Wednesday night marked the second time in his career that James McMurtry had visited Bainbridge Island’s Treehouse, a cozy pizza and ice cream parlor that doubles as a music venue. Although Bainbridge is but half an hour from Seattle, that half […]
FRESH TRACK: Matt Andersen – “Magnolia”Check it out
SPONSORED BY Sonic Records