Imagine a world with no live entertainment — no concerts by your favorite bands, no shows at the corner pub and no open mic nights enabling little Johnny to develop his performance skills. An alarming number of music venues are closing […]
Imagine a world with no live entertainment — no concerts by your favorite bands, no shows at the corner pub and no open mic nights enabling little Johnny to develop his performance skills. An alarming number of music venues are closing […]
Rock and roll originated from a variety of racial, cultural, and regional sources, and osmotic excitement at burgeoning cultural flux. It represented in the early 1950s exactly the social unity that voices of divisiveness — including Jim Crow-allegiant political, educational, […]
Every once in a while, I go to a show with no expectation or preconceived notion about the artist — other than that I found the description interesting — and I am blown away. This was the case when KaiL Baxley (yes, that should be a capital […]
Credit the Henrys for dispelling the notion that all Canadian roots music more or less echoes the sounds that come from the opposite side of the border. While our neighbors to the north have an exceptional tradition of fostering authentic […]
Early into their Sunday night show at City Winery Nashville, Mary Gauthier said that they would play some happy songs, but that they did not have any. She added, “We’re happy people.” Allison Moorer stated simply that she writes songs to […]
As Van Morrison strode onto the stage carrying his saxophone at Forest Hills Stadium in New York City June 19, numerous memories came to my mind. There were thoughts of many incredible concerts I saw Morrison perform at other venues through […]
A rock and roll band that performs all songs about baseball sounds like something of novelty — an idea that might possibly be good for a one-off album or at least an EP. Even knowing that the band was going […]
Austin-based singer-songwriter Brennen Leigh was born for country music. It is in her blood as sure as the Texas air she breathes. Therefore, her current IndieGoGo crowdfunding campaign — for a new album honoring the music of honky-tonk legend Lefty […]
By Susie Glaze I celebrate Life! I tangle my fingers in its long-haired grasses… with gladness. I beat upon its breast with futility. I lie across its loin with joy. I give to it and take from it sweet juices […]
While there are still some great music books to hit the shelves in stores this summer—Elijah Wald’s Dylan Goes Electric: Newport, Seeger, Dylan, and the Night That Split the Sixties (Dey St., $26.99, July) is one of the most revealing […]
FRESH TRACK: Matt Andersen – “Magnolia”Check it out
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