if i only knew more about meg baird…
Buried in the last thing I wrote and posted here at No Depression where I rambled on about that “end of the year list thing-y”, I mentioned Meg Baird and her latest release Seasons on Earth. And I’m regretting and feeling guilty that it was merely just a mention, because she deserves to be introduced to this community in a more formal and serious manner. I’m pretty sure that if more people knew about her and heard her music, she’d be huge. Not huge like a sumo wrestler or Miley Cyrus, but huge like Gillian Welch or someone on that level.
Earlier this year I stumbled onto her past work with Philadelphia’s Espers (through a mention from Arborea’s Buck Curran I believe…thank you very much), her first solo recording Dear Companion from 2007, the latest aforementioned solo and her duets with sister Laura. When researching, preparing and writing an artist profile it can be highly rewarding on many levels. And sometimes its frustrating, like trying to tell you about Meg Baird. Lacking a comprehensive website, I’m forced to troll through webpages and piece together something. Now I could contact her through Buck I guess, and probably reach out through Drag City, her record label. But it’s Sunday afternoon and all