Where is Jason Molina of Magnolia Electric Company?
After canceling the Molina and Johnson tour in 2009, The great voice of Magnolia Electric Company’s Jason Molina has been missed by me and many others. Unfortunately, he has been ill and out of commission for a while now. After many trips to to his website, I finally saw a post about his situation. http://www.magnoliaelectricco.com/.
He and his family need our support, moral and a little financial wouldn’t hurt either. Rumor has it, his supporters a returning the love. Check it out for yourself. http://magnoliaelectricco.bandcamp.com/
MEC has given away a lot of free show recordings to their supporters through the years. Now’s a good time to help a good person in need pay some medical bills and hear some a great music for your effort. Let him know you care.