Seconds Before Landing is back!

Seconds Before Landing is back!
These days it can be difficult for the average music consumer to differentiate the commercially generated music from legitimate true content of artistry. No one who is reading this should be offended; much like the much hyped “fake news” that has infested our social media networks and television itself, music has fallen just as vulnerable to an influx of material that is almost entirely artificial in both substance and in delivery. What actually separates the true artists from the jingle singing pop stars is within the complexity of their output. That isn’t to suggest that all pop music should be cerebral, but it’s certainly a good measurement of sincerity that can be applied to virtually any artist (and self-proclaimed ones as well). When I listen to a band like Seconds Before Landing, specifically a record like their newest EP Trio: Volume 1, I don’t have to look for hallmarks of originality. They’re shoved in my face. I’m forced to absorb the gravity of their compositions. I’m powerless against its embrace, and these aren’t even songs that center on a catchy chorus.
Is there such a thing as a concept EP? We’ve all listened to concept albums before, and those of us who are a little more enthusiastic about music know that they rarely yield any singles due to the inevitable lack of context that would result in their release. If you believe that art can stop the relevance of time itself, than you’ll start believing in the notion of a concept extended play when you listen to Trio: Volume 1. This record is more sprawling and larger than life than most full length albums that I listen to, let alone anything that Seconds Before Landing’s closest contemporaries have released in the last decade. I also think that by choosing to break up their next project into multiple extended plays, almost in a sample sized format if you will, that it will make it much easier for listeners who aren’t that familiar with progressive music and all of its bombastic nuances to connect with and eventually relate to what Seconds Before Landing is trying to express.
As we await Trio: Volume 2, it’s unquestionable that most critics and audiences alike will be wondering what the next phase of both this ambitious musical project and the group themselves will hold. Personally I think almost anything is possible for these guys moving ahead, and that by continuing to produce this genre of music at maximum volume with a no holds barred style approach to the record studio itself, their success will not only be consistent but essentially unstoppable as the field of competitors starts to narrow around them. They’ve got a lot of momentum behind this record and it’s garnering a lot more attention towards their total discography as well. This is their time, and this could very well be the record that serves to bring them the spotlight that they’ve worked so very hard to achieve. Only time will tell, but if I were a gambler, I’d stack my chips on this crew.
Mindy McCall