What’s The BFD With Lady GaGa?
I subscribe to Rolling Stone and I have a game I play with every issue. It’s called “Guess how many times Lady GaGa has her picture in this issue.” (And the corollary guess as to whether or not her flapjacks are on display) Of course one picture per issue is a fairly safe guess, although never zero. I challenged my GF on a recent ride to Seattle since I had a new issue in my hand and no time to read it. Sure enough, on page 14 in all of her talentless glory, was the LGG picture that I expected. I then asked her to go deeper and to my surprise, she found no more pictures. Disappointing! A few nights later while I was reading the magazine and listening to real music, I found two more in the back, for a total of three in one issue. A new record, although tastefully (for her) dressed.
So what is it that tantalizes the people to be interested in “musicians” that are famous for reasons other than talent? I mean there are so many worthy musicians that are way more talented and never get the pub that someone like LGG gets. I guess in the long run, remaining true to yourself and not selling out is more satisfying, unless you’re smart enough on your laughing way to the bank to leave a little behind for the days when people wise up and quit giving a shit. LGG, you reading this?