Black Powder & Old Time Music
It was on a sunny Saturday as we headed south. On our way to Horst.
We heard that there where some gunshootin’ blackpowderlovin’
Cowboys and Cowgirls who had to be entertained.
In exchange for our music they would let us live.
We played in every corner of the campsite and we played at the shooting-range.
We even played while the other band was doing the same just to stay alive.
Well it worked out all right and we even had time to drink a beer with these folks
and pick some guitar with some of them.
After having a very cold shower and peeing on our cowboy boots while shitting
in the cornfield on Sunday morning we had to go up on stage.
Just in time to play our old time music with our back 2 feet from the shooting-range.
Our pants were shaking round our legs but still we sounded great.
You see folks, live isn’t always easy while traveling on the road.
But we’ve learned a lesson over there.
Cowgirls come from Venus – Cowboys come from Bars