Folks Festival
Has there ever been an upcoming event that you should be completely jazzed about, but you just aren’t? Maybe worse than just not being excited, you think you don’t want to go? No matter how you think about it, it makes no sense, but that knowledge doesn’t comfort you much when you observe yourself actively resisting attending an event you would LOVE.
Maybe you have no clue what I’m talking about…but if you do, then you know how I feel about Folks Fest.
For no good reason, I’ve never wanted to go. Look at the line-up this year: John Prine, Swell Season, Darrell Scott, Waifs….are you kidding me? I’d freaking love it! Yet when my wife asks if I want to go, I reply “Nah”. This, despite the lovely location, the proximity to home, my love for Planet Bluegrass after 20+ years of experiencing Telluride Bluegrass, and the number of good friends I’d find there. I can explain it in one word: insanity.
A couple of years ago, my wife really wanted to go, so she took the two little ones with her and camped on-site for the weekend. That was Soaks Fest….it poured rain all weekend. Some little idiot in the back of my head keeps telling me what a good decision I made to refuse to go with them, that I did the right thing sending my family off without me, and how clearly not attending is the right answer. I can explain it in one word: idiot.
So she asks, I answer, but I’m watching myself answer and asking “WTF?” I’d like to get all fired up and then go and have a blast. Gosh, I could play with the kids in the river, play with the new digital SLR with the big lens, sit in a perfect little piece of paradise with my family and refuel my soul with some of the finest damn music on the planet and the finest damn people on the planet.
Maybe I’ll find the magic button that will change my heart. I picture it as a big red button on my ever-spreading bald spot that says something like “PUSH to stop me from being a jackass”. I’m going to try loading up and listening to as many of the Folks artists as possible this week and see if it changes my warped mind.
And if you see it, feel free to push the button.