The Spark
Welcome to the Spark, where we meet the real people behind great works of art.
I began collecting these interviews for Marfa, Texas Pubic Radio two years ago. (You can read about how that happened here.) Each month, I speak with an artist about how they really make their work and live their lives. The conversations are not about neatly packaged finished products. These are conversations about laughter, tough times, teachers, and turning points – the not so neatly hewn insight which comes from having your hands in the dirt. I always find myself amazed by the people I sit down with; amazed by their work and wisdom, and also amazed that they often feel the same fears and doubts that I feel. The Spark is my chance to be a student. I learn something new from each episode, and find that resonating when I jump back into my own work. The truth is that I’d make the Spark if no one heard it at all. It is my reminder that making work is a process rather than a destination, and listening to the world around you is sometimes the best part.
Thanks for tuning in. Check out this month’s Spark here, and until next time, remember, you’ve got the spark.
xo tift