Ive a page on No Depression, there is an other ambition fulfilled in that one sentence,
Ive a page on No Depression! there is an other ambition fulfilled in that one sentence, flying as it is from the ashes of every-ones favourite magazine . The NO DEPESSION moniker more relevent as rallying cry for these times of massive social change.
In these crunch times community is all important and seems to be a fact the good folks here are embracing whole heartedly. I’m really happy to be part of this new experiment in interaction journalism and community awarness.
Ive been by to make my donation (Have You?) I figure if I passed the magazine on a stand Ide pick it up and throw my fiver in the hat no problem and it would sit in my toilet magazine rack (No Coffee Tables here at the Medicine Masonett) get visited every now and then when the muse is on me, now I visit most days get way more information, and way way quicker as well as make friends and catch up with old ones too, that’s well worth a dip into pay pal to keep going and to keep the quality of reporting as it always was.
Rock on ND keep on keepin on
Rob Ellen