Album Review: Chuck Prophet – Let Freedom Ring

Originally posted on A Truer Sound
Here’s an album I’ve really been digging the hell out of, and one I feel hasn’t gotten the press it deserves. The story behind this album is that Chuck and his band went to Mexico City to a vintage recording studio (all analog equipment from years gone by) during the initial height of the Mexican swine flu scare.
Chuck describes this album as protest music for people who don’t like protest music. What I take out of that is protest music that is not “preachy” (which is the reason I’m guessing most people hate protest music). I don’t get a protest music vibe as much as a do a tinge of apocalyptic imagery. “let there be darkness, let there be light, as the hawk cripples the dove/over and over watch the dove die, as they rip out the floorboards above”. Those are the opening lines to the title track Let Freedom Ring, later in the album he sings “we’re going to see how Wall Street takes the news when Wall Street finds New York City’s gone”, and in the subdued track Barely Exist he asks “when you barely exist who’s going to miss you when you’re gone”.
What I would like to call this album is not so much a protest album as a killer fucking rock album! The kind with amazing guitar work that calls to mind everything from Brian Setzer to Keith Richards. The kind with expertly crafted songs that are reminiscent of great rock songwriters like Petty, Springsteen, Mellencamp, & James McMurtry in that they not only rock but they say something. I don’t really know what else to say, and you guys know I hate trying to describe music when it’s easier and more useful to just post a couple links so you can decide for yourself whether you would like it or not, and say as for me….I fucking LOVE this album!
Listen to Chuck Prophet – You And Me Baby (Holding On) here
Listen to Chuck Prophet – Hot Talk here
Read more about the album here – Watch the trailer for the album here
Buy Chuck Prophet – Let Freedom Ring here