A Strong Debut for Andrew Castro
The opening song, the highly danceable, “Room for Two,” leads us into the madness of the beginning of a a relationship or perhaps a one-night-stand. Songs like “Paranoia” and “She’s Already Gone,” captures an inside look at unsettled interior world of unrequited love. “Insane,” describes the obsessive quality found in a restless love
The album dances between up tempo love songs like “Us,” and broken-hearted insights that relate as much to the human condition as they do to the spiritual redemption found in love discovered illustrated on “Perfect Symmetry.” As a songwriter, his works is beneath the surface of things. They are restless songs with energy that begs to dig deep into the moment-where poetry is found in the gentle melody of a folk song. . As the theme of intimate romantic love takes dips and turns through love obsessed, love lost, redeemed and finally found again.
Can I Play For You stylistically is akin to the kind of insightful songcraft honed by Paul Simon with an easy style that seems as though he could be James Taylor’s lost son. Can I Play for You is a strong album debut that is consistent, thoughtful and full of the kind of soul and craft that makes for great artists. This is one artist to keep an eye on as he moves into a promising future.