Remembering John Lennon
Posted On December 8, 2013
I’ll never forget Dec 8, 1980. My wife and I, married less than 2 years, about to turn in for the night when her Dad knocked on our door (in his house!) and told us John Lennon had been shot. We just couldn’t take it in. It seemed insane then and seems insane now. His music lives in my bones and will never leave.
A few years ago I was in a creative slump. What I do at those times is pick up a guitar or sit at the piano and just play songs I love. I sat at the piano this time, and absentmindedly found myself playing ‘Imagine’ – and then riffing on it – and then moving the song parts around – and in a flash I felt a song fall out of the sky…I hope you enjoy ‘Darwin’s Tribe’ – you can listen to it here on my ND page – I feel like John co-wrote it with me from my bones.