Jumping Hot Club Radio Show – Top 10 Albums 2012
You may or may not know this but as well as trying to make a living wage I not only write about music for several magazines and UK newspapers but I also host a weekly radio show.
OK I’m not Bob Harris, John Peel or Wolfman Jack (who are all influences) and it only goes out on local Community Radio in Tyneside, Newcastle but it’s a lifetime ambition/dream come true.
It will come as no surprise to No Depression readers that it’s a 2 hour eclectic mix of Americana, Country, Bluegrass, Folk, Blues, R&B, Acoustic, Singer-Songwriter, Alt-Country and just about anything that can be deemed ROOTS Music and I hope will appeal to ND readers.
As a reviewer I get access to albums quite early in their lifespan so play tracks several weeks/months before release – which is pretty damn good for a small station like ours; plus I slide in Classic tracks from all of the genres plus a couple of left-field things like Zappa and Beefheart (just because I can!).
The show has been going for six months now and I’ve managed to include exclusive interviews from ND favourites Matraca Berg, Bap Kennedy, Nell Bryden and Amy Speace while also introducing local acts like Bridie Jackson and Rob Heron.
As well as broadcasting live the show is repeated on Wednesdays and Frioays on www.acousticspectrum.com plus it is uploaded to Mixcloud.
If you are interested you can listen to the Top 10 Albums that I posted on ND over the holidays here – http://www.mixcloud.com/JumpingHotClubRadio/jhc-radio-show-top-10-albums-2012/ which has tracks from EACH ALBUM.
Just for fun I also did a Best Gigs of 2012 Top 10 too http://www.mixcloud.com/JumpingHotClubRadio/jhc-radio-show-top-10-1-gigs-of-2012/ which is nothing less than ‘interesting’ as it will give you an even deeper insight into my musical tastes (should you want them).
If you have the time or inclination you can trawl back through every episode on Mixcloud from the link above.
Feel free to let me know how you feel about my shambolic presentation skills.