Acoustic Americana Music Guide July 15 events only, updated
A FRESH EDITION will be available tomorrow morning.
Meantime, more events have been added today and tonight,
since last week’s edition.
“Tied to the Tracks”
♪ ♪
JULY 15, 2009 EVENTS ONLY – update
Without question, the Los Angeles region now has the greatest number of live acoustic performances of anyplace in America, and possibly in the world. Much of it is simply WONDERFUL, including club and coffeehouse gigs, performing arts center and theater concerts, indoor and outdoor shows, and a steady parade of festivals that include a healthy acoustic music presence. In addition, for those planning travel and our readers elsewhere, the Guide always includes a vast variety of acoustic music festivals all over the planet. And unique to the Guide, descriptions are included in our extensive listings, rather than simple calendar listings where you need to recognize a performer’s name to know the genre of acoustic music. (Lots of places tell you who, where, and when. We tell you that, plus the all-important “what.”) Yep, we “Guide” you through the live acoustic music scene.
Entire contents copyright (c) © 2009, Larry Wines. All rights reserved.
JULY 15, 2009 EVENTS ONLY – update
IN THIS EDITION: It’s just a one-day update with added events.
Wednesday’s “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” picks are Sara Hickman in Pasadena at 7 pm (free one-hour show); the Brombies in Burbank at 8 pm; and Karen Hart, Alfred Johnson (composer for Rikki Lee Jones), Jodi Siegel, Eric Schwartz, & Kathy Leonardo in Hermosa Beach at 8 pm.
Wed, Jul 15; deadline for entries:
SONGWRITING CONTEST for the “PORT GAMBLE MARITIME MUSIC FESTIVAL” in Port Gamble, Washington. This is the inaugural year for the new annual “Bob Kotta Memorial Maritime Songwriting Contest.” Sponsors say, “We hope to bring new maritime songs into the community. There will be a perpetual prize and individual awards for various categories. The winning songs will be performed at the 4th annual ‘Port Gamble Maritime Music Festival’ on Aug 15. This year’s theme is ‘Maritime Work in the 21st Century.’ Seafaring changes, but the sea remains the same – a powerful friend and adversary. The ships of today, and the men and women who work on the water or the shore, deserve a song or two.” Contest rules at Presented by Puget’s Sound Productions,
LOS ANGELES AREA acoustic music performances:
Wed-Sun, Jul 15-19; in Santa Barbara:
Annual “SANTA BARBARA COUNTY FAIR” in Santa Barbara, CA 93458. Each year, thousands of visitors attend the fair that showcases the community’s interests and talents, fun, educational and community orientated exhibits. Entertainment includes both local and “big-name” entertainers, all free with paid admission to the Fair.
Wed, Jul 15, 1st & 3rd Wed, every month:
10:30 am “STORYTIME FUNLAND” for kids at Stories, 1716 Sunset Bl, Echo Park 90026; 213-413-3733. It’s an interactive story and music hour with Daniel, Hayley & Mindy. Venue is in the July ’09 ish of Sunset magazine (p.22). Enjoy the back patio with an iced Americano, peppermint green iced tea, freshly-baked root beer flavored cookie, or an assortment of popsicles, ice cream bars and other frozen treats.
Wed, Jul 15, every Wed, in Yucaipa:
12:30 pm “YUCAIPA UKERS,” THE YUCAIPA UKULELE GANG, an ‘off-shoot’ of the Loma Linda Ukulele Strummers (LLUS), meets every Wed (recently changed; was 10:30 am). Info, loc,
Wed, Jul 15, every Wed:
3-7 pm “ROOTS MUSIC JAM SESSION” with TOM SAUBER at the Sierra Madre Farmers’ Market, in the parking lot behind the shops on the south side of Sierra Madre Blvd., just west of Baldwin Av, in Sierra Madre. Take Baldwin Av exit N from 210 Fwy. Turn W off Baldwin onto Mariposa and you’ll see the tents. Tom tells us, “It won’t take the place of Frank & Joe’s [the long-gone Wed night jam] and I know it’s not convenient for most, but it’s something as long as the weather’s nice.” Info,
Wed, Jul 15, Wed & Thu, every week; near Santa Barbara:
4 pm-late New “PARADISE STORE TWICE-WEEKLY BLUEGRASS / MOUNTAIN MUSIC JAM” at Paradise Store, N of Santa Barbara on Hwy 154 for 9.5 mi; right on Paradise Rd, 1/2 mile to the store. Directions,
Wed’s include BBQ; Thu’s are a “Mountain Fiddle Hootenanny.” Both hosted by MARK LEWIS. More at
Wed, Jul 15, every Wed:
5-8 pm New “CLAREMONT WEDNESDAY GREEN MARKET” features acoustic music inside and outside the Packing House in the new West Claremont Center, 532 W First St, Claremont 91711; RON ELY plays authentic and original songs of the sea and more at Bonita & Yale Av. More at Ron tells us, “It’s all about ‘going GREEN,’ and should be promoted and supported. They’ve expanded with a Farmer’s Market each Wednesday evening, outside this same venue, The Packing House, a fully rehabilitated old building, a real packing house, Historical Landmark. It’s put-on by the non-profit ‘Claremont Forum,’ ( that sponsors the “Prison Library Project,” sending books to those incarcerated.”
Wed, Jul 15:
6:30-8:30 pm PAWS MUSIC plays Latin jazz for the L.A. County “Free Concerts in Public Sites” series at Verdugo Park, 1621 Cañada Bl, Glendale 91208. Info, contact Onnig Bulanikian at 818-548-3248.
Wed, Jul 15, every Wed:
7-10 pm weekly OPEN MIC at the Talking Stick, (new location), 1411 Lincoln Bl, Venice 92091; Alternating hosts TOM & BYRON or ELLEN. Sign-ups at 6:45 pm. Venue has coffeehouse fare and good sandwiches. All ages, no cover.
Wed, Jul 15; a “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” pick:
7 pm SARA HICKMAN plays the “Children’s Hour” series at the Levitt Pavilion for the Performing Arts, Memorial Park, 85 E Holly St, (really Raymond & Walnut), Pasadena 91103; 626-683-3230; Ride the Gold Line light rail to Memorial Park Station. More at Free.
Wed, Jul 15, every Wed:
7-9 pm “JILL SHARPE PRO-BLUES JAM” local blues favorite Jill Sharpe jams with her band at Sacred Grounds, 468 W 6th St, San Pedro 90731. More at No cover.
Wed, Jul 15, every Wed:
7-10 pm (started Jan 7) “KULAK’S WEDNESDAY NIGHT SONGWRITERS WORKSHOP” at Kulak’s Woodshed, 5230-1/2 Laurel Canyon Bl, North Hollywood; 818-766-9913; info and live webcast at Marc Platt wrote, for Music Connection, “Your Wednesday Nights will never be the same after participating in this Group Workshop. The weekly cost is $20, which goes to Kulak’s to help pay the rent. The Workshop… is open to the public for the first four weeks. We will then set our 12-person group writing roster until the end of March. The workshop will be limited to 12 writers. We will break up into groups and work on many styles, genres and topics. You will find it challenging and exhilarating. You can bring instruments and will need to have your own small recording device, as well as a pen and notepad. Marc Platt (from the Sunday Night Performance Workshop) will facilitate with help from Steve Schalchlin. Marc has written music for TV Shows like ‘Queer Eye For The Straight Guy’ and others for many years. Steve Schalchlin ran similar workshops for the NAS (National Academy of Songwriters) in the 1990s and is a very accomplished songwriter. His ‘New World Waking’ show is currently running in San Francisco. If you are interested, please email Marc Platt at”
Wed, Jul 15, every Wed, in Tehachapi:
7-10 pm OPEN MIC at Mama HillyBeans Coffee & Community, 426 E Tehachapi Bl, Tehachapi; 661-822-BEAN; They welcome “musicians, poets, writers, thinkers, and audiences.” Venue has great ambience, food “made from scratch and about 95% organic.” No cover.
Wed, Jul 15, 3rd (and 1st) Wed, every month:
7:30-9:30 pm twice-monthly “COWBOY WESTERN JAM” at El Trocadero, 24274 Main St (at Market), Newhall 91321; 661-284-6615; (Many maps show the street name as San Fernando Rd; the part where the venue is located was renamed Main St in 2007.) Event moved to this venue in Sep, 2008. This is the event that was held at Rattlesnake Slim’s until that venue had a fire, and before that, it was held for years at Vincenzo’s Pizza. All pickers invited. No cover.
Wed, Jul 15, 3rd Wed, every month:
7:30-10 pm monthly “SONGWRITER’S NETWORK SHOWCASE” with about 15 performing songwriters, at The Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena 91001. Songnet’s monthly showcase brings an assortment of accomplished artists trying-out new songs, talented up-and-comers, and others. It provides performing songwriters and other musicians an opportunity to perform their originals on a professional stage, for songwriting peers, in a supportive atmosphere. Info on attending or performing and on the organization, at Pre-register to perform, or arrive before 7:30 pm for any spots that may remain. Coffeehouse fare available. Free entry, $5 suggested donation.
In addition, every FIRST Wednesday, SongNet has seminars here with industry guests who discuss the business side of music. That, too, is FREE and should be of great interest to anyone who wants a “behind the scenes look” at working in the music biz.
Info, articles, links to the music business, and CGB impresario BOB STANE’s “boilerplate,” explaining why some artists do not get booked on a regular basis, are all at
Wed, Jul 15, every Wed:
7:30-10 pm “SOUTH BAY BEAT SONGWRITER SHOWCASE” series at Club 705 / Ardmore Restaurant, 705 Pier Av, Hermosa Beach 90254; 310-372-9705. Based on their opening bookings, this is a wonderful series with musicians who have played all over the world, sharing stages with big names in the music biz. Call them for tonight’s lineup. All ages, no cover.
Wed, Jul 15, every Wed:
7:30-10:30 pm “SINGER-SONGWRITER NIGHT” with STRUFF & TERRY, and Musical Guests at Tango D’Amore, 19524 Nordhoff St #3, Northridge 91324; shared parking with Guitar Center; 818-727-7399; Lineup always includes hosts Struff & Terry ( and others, sometimes unknown, sometimes rather well-known. $5 cover.
Wed, Jul 15, every Wed:
7:30-10 pm OPEN MIC at Guitar Merchant, 7503 Topanga Cyn Bl, Canoga Park 91303; 818-884-5905. Every Wednesday, hosted by Melinda Gibson. 7 pm sign-ups. Get your set recorded on CD for $10 (optional). Snacks and drinks available. No cover, tip jar for artists.
Wed, Jul 15, every Wed, in Simi Valley:
7:30-11:30 pm SONGMAKERS “SIMI VALLEY HOOT” jam session in Simi Valley; for location, contact M. Gregory, or 805-579-6416. More at
Wed, Jul 15, every Wed:
MISS MICKEY CHAMPION at Harvelle’s, 1432 Fourth St, Santa Monica; 310-395-1676. L.A.’s legendary blueswoman plays an every-Wednesday residency. Artist info: $3-7 cover. Start time varies; call venue.
Wed, Jul 15, 3rd Wed every month; a “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” pick:
8 pm THE BROMBIES bring bluegrass to Viva Fresh Cantina, 900 Riverside Dr, Burbank (next to L.A. Equestrian Center); 818-845-2425. They have a residency there, the first, third (and occasional fifth) Wed of every month.
Wed, Jul 15; a “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” pick:
8 pm KAREN HART, ALFRED JOHNSON (composer for Rikki Lee Jones), JODI SIEGEL, ERIC SCHWARTZ, KATHY LEONARDO at Club 705, in the Ardmore Restaurant, 705 Pier Av (near corner of PCH), Hermosa Beach 90254; 310-372-9705; Karen Hart has performed live on radio’s “Tied to the Tracks,” and she is bringing quite a band, with Diznee Ruth Parish, Rick Alonso on bass, Peter Kavanaugh on guitars, Amy Engelhardt on piano. No cover –free parking -great food -all ages.
Wed, Jul 15, every Wed:
8 pm “ACOUSTIC CORDIALE” SERIES at Café Cordiale, 14015 Ventura Bl, Sherman Oaks; 818-789-1985. One recent lineup included Heather Waters & Duane Jarvis and Micheal Ann & Alexandra Bustamante. Manda has played the series, as well. Hosted by singer-songwriter DONOVAN LYMAN (Blue Meridian) performing a song or two between each act. Dinner served all evening; plenty of private tables. All ages, free parking, no cover.
Wed, Jul 15; in the OC:
8 pm GREG ALLMAN at The Grove of Anaheim, 2200 East Katella Av, Anaheim; 714-712-2700. Obviously very or all electric, but we thought you’d like to know that an ALLMAN BROTHER is in town.
Wed, Jul 15, every Wed:
8 pm “WHISKEY DICK WEDNESDAYS” at Fubar, 7994 Santa Monica Bl (1 blk E of Crescent Hgts), West Hollywood. This is a roots / honky-tonk night, and talented artists like MICHAEL ANN play this series, which offers 5 cent beer and 10 cent shots of whiskey and other booze, “where the west is still very wild. Say howdy to the craziest party there could ever be,” their promo says. Other nights there are anything but Americana music, and do not offer such incredibly cheap liquor. Fubar is a well known gay bar. Info from No cover.
Wed, Jul 15; in Ventura:
8 pm PRESTON SMITH & THE CROCODILES play a full band show, going electric tonight at The Bombay Bar, California St (at Thompson), downtown Ventura. “Preston is a singing, guitar and harmonica playing virtuoso of blues and jazz, which makes him a great fit. His stuff is upbeat, intelligent and classy, He’s known for his widespread appeal to a variety of audiences and some say his music knows no boundaries. While Smith’s songwriting skills have received a big thumbs up from critics all over the map, his live gigs are legendary.” – John Sollenberger, The Pasadena Weekly.
Preston sang for Barbra Streisand’s wedding, and he’s performed for Steven Spielberg, Bruce Willis, Aaron Spelling, Brad Grey, the cast of The Soprano’s, and the late Sonny Bono. He appeared on “The Tonight Show” with the late Jimmy Stewart. Roseanne Cash recorded his song “Black and White,” then she included it in her greatest hits CD that went to gold. More at and
Wed, Jul 15, every Wed:
8 pm OPEN MIC at The Talking Stick, 1630 Ocean Park Bl, Santa Monica;
Wed, Jul 15, recurring:
8 pm OPEN MIC at The Pig ‘n Whistle, 6714 Hollywood Bl, Hollywood 90028; Sign-ups at 7:30, show at 8 pm.
Wed, Jul 15, every Wed:
8 pm OPEN JAZZ JAM at Hip Kitty Jazz / Fondue, 502 W First St (in the Packing House complex), Claremont 91711;; 909-447-6700. Beautiful venue, serves food, beer & wine, 25 mins E of Pasadena off the 210 Fwy.
Wed, Jul 15:
RESCHEDULED to Aug 19: 8:15 pm DARIN BENNETT at the Air Conditioned Supper Club, 625 Lincoln Bl (3 blks S of Rose Av), Venice 90291; 310-230-5343;; venue has full bar, is 21+. Darin says, “Stop by for some tripped out, swamped up, Soul-stirred and Delta-fied tales of the dead & gone and down & out (with something for the romantic, as well).” More at $10 cover.
Wed, Jul 15, every Wed:
8:30 pm LIVE MUSIC (artists tba) at the Cowboy Palace Saloon, 21635 Devonshire St (Devonshire & Owensmouth), Chatsworth 91311;; 818-341-0166. Live music 7 nights a week, sometimes acoustic, sometimes electric. Preceded by free line dance lessons with Kathy, 7-8:30 pm. No cover.
Wed, Jul 15, every Wed:
8:30 pm-midnight “JAZZ JAM SESSION” at The Smokehouse Restaurant, 4420 W Lakeside Dr (at Barham), Burbank 91505;; 818-845-3731. New home for the long-running weekly series formerly at the Sportsman’s Lodge; hosted by CATHY SEGAL-GARCIA, President of the California Pop & Jazz Council ( Event info, No cover.
Wed, Jul 15, every Wed:
9 pm-midnight “PRO BLUES JAM SESSION” hosted by 21st CENTURY BLUES band, at the Azteca Restaurant and Bar, 717 S San Gabriel Bl, San Gabriel 91776; 626-287-4645. (New Mar 11, 2009.)
[Updated editions with more (always more — as we have time to organize all of it), and all the many, many, acoustic music events to come in JULY and beyond – in and around Los Angeles, plus the many, many, many upcoming acoustic music FESTIVALS, near and far, here, there and everywhere! It’ll all be here, soon.]
The MOST RECENT EDITIONS – the GUIDE’s event calendars with descriptive write-ups, AND the Acoustic Americana Music News Features – are available at
News of the “Tied to the Tracks” radio show is at and on No Depression, at
Questions? Comments? Contact us at
As always, more to come, as we (believe it or not) continue to make updates to all the months of 2009 in the “long look ahead” posts.
…So many truly fine shows, so few evenings and weekends to see them. With a new spirit of HOPE in America, why not celebrate by going out for a tunefully good time?
copyright (c) © 2009, Larry Wines. All rights reserved.
“There’s nothing as quiet as night without music, as dark as a night without stars…” – from “THE FIDDLER,” learned from Guy Carawan
CAJUN PROVERB OF THE MONTH “Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go.” — from, which supplies us and the Gator Gazette.
Yes, it’s true –
There are more ACOUSTIC AMERICANA / ACOUSTIC RENAISSANCE music performances EVERY week in the Los Angeles area than the COMBINED TOTAL of ALL OTHER KINDS OF MUSIC!
(And that doesn’t even take the dozens of electric Americana shows into account!)
If you have trouble believing that assertion, then print this out and see how many pages you’ll need just for the events for the days covered in this edition!
Check it yourself: take any edition of the L.A. Times Calendar Section and any edition of the LA Weekly, count-up all the live music shows (you won’t even need to subtract-out the acoustic shows in those two publications, since they hardly list any, anyway) and add them up. THEN, count the number of live acoustic music performances for the same days in the Acoustic Americana Music Guide. We have yet to find a week when the TOTAL of all those other genres of music performances equals the number of live performances of acoustic music in the L.A. area! (Even though you can’t hear the music on the radio here, or read about it in the biggest newspapers, it seems people DO want acoustic music and they will find and support it anyway!