Acoustic Americana Music Guide June 16 & 17 event updates ONLY, 2009
JUNE 16 & 17 EDITION just a “Quickie” – more tomorrow…
Weekend heads-up… with details in a separate (nearly simultaneous) edition…
LIVE OAK and HUCK FINN — BIG and beloved festivals are this weekend, and they begin Friday (lineups and web links near the end of this edition, in the “Look Ahead” section). Plus, “MAKE MUSIC PASADENA” returns Sunday, on numerous stages, all FREE, as part of the global “FETE DE LA MUSIQUE” that originated in France. Sorta like a stay-close-to-home one-day festival for the budget-conscious and irreconcilably broke. Of course, some folks are crazy enough to catch a day or two at one big festival, then a day or two at another. If you don’t feel like that well-worth-it road trip to the hills north of Santa Barbara or the Mojave River near Victorville, there are daytime and evening shows all around the L.A. area, including the all-day Pasadena event.
And remember what ELSE is coming: there’s the wonderful “THREE GIRLS AND THEIR BUDDY” concert with EMMYLOU HARRIS, PATTY GRIFFIN, SHAWN COLVIN, & BUDDY MILLER at the Greek Theatre, Wed, Jun 24 (and you can still WIN FREE TICKETS from the Acoustic Americana Music Guide, through this Friday, Jun 1;; details at or at
And, the annual “Long Beach Bayou Festival” is the following weekend!
“Tied to the Tracks”
♪ ♪
JUNE 16 & 17 events only, 2009 EDITION
Updated June 16, 2009; recurring events are included.
Yes, it’s true –
There are more ACOUSTIC AMERICANA / ACOUSTIC RENAISSANCE music performances EVERY week in the Los Angeles area than the COMBINED TOTAL of ALL OTHER KINDS OF MUSIC!
(And that doesn’t even take the dozens of electric Americana shows into account!)
Without question, the Los Angeles region now has the greatest number of live acoustic performances of anyplace in America, and possibly in the world. Much of it is simply WONDERFUL, including club and coffeehouse gigs, performing arts center and theater concerts, indoor and outdoor shows, and a steady parade of festivals that include a healthy acoustic music presence. In addition, for those planning travel and our readers elsewhere, the Guide always includes a vast variety of acoustic music festivals all over the planet. And unique to the Guide, descriptions are included in our extensive listings, rather than simple calendar listings where you need to recognize a performer’s name to know the genre of acoustic music. (Lots of places tell you who, where, and when. We tell you that, plus the all-important “what.”) Yep, we “Guide” you through the live acoustic music scene.
Entire contents copyright (c) © 2009, Larry Wines. All rights reserved.
JUNE 16 & 17 update of two day’s events ONLY
IN THIS EDITION: Look for our popular “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” picks!
Tuesday’s “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” picks are “Bluegrass at the Braemar with Susie Glaze & Hilonesome in Tarzana at 7:30 pm, and the annual “Bloomsday Celebration” with Ken O’Malley & The Twilight Lords (and others) in Long Beach at 8 pm.
LOS ANGELES AREA acoustic music performances:
Tue, Jun 16, every week; in Loma Linda:
9-11:30 am “LOMA LINDA UKULELE STRUMMERS” welcomes all, every Tuesday at the Loma Linda Senior Center, 25541 Barton Rd (behind the Civic Center), Loma Linda. (Sr Center at the far end of the parking lot.) Info, Contact, Ginny Stone, 909 795 3841 or
Tue, Jun 16, every week:
4:30-6 pm SON JAROCHO CLASSES at East Side Café, 5469 Huntington Dr N, L.A.; 323-583-5113. Learn to play Jarana, a string Instrument from Veracruz; dance Zapateado; sing & compose Sones-songs; gain knowledge of Son Jarocho music; work sound & lights. Open to adults, children and teens. No cover, donations are accepted.
Tue, Jun 16, every week:
6 pm Weekly BLUEGRASS JAM at Curley’s Café, 1999 E Willow (at Cherry), Signal Hill; 562-424-0018.
Tue, Jun 16, every week:
6-8 pm ARANA MUSIC LESSONS at IMIX Bookstore, 5052 Eagle Rock Bl, Eagle Rock; 323-257-2512; For beginners to experts music lessons focusing on the arana and Son Jarocho, presented by Caesar Castro, El Jarochelo.
Tue, Jun 16, every week; in Menifee:
6-8:30 pm SANDII CASTLEBERRY & RON DAIGH, folk fest faves, at Giovanni’s, Pizza, Pasta & More, 26900 Newport Rd #112, Menifee 92584; 951-672-8080. Info,
Tue, Jun 16, every Tue:
6:30-11 pm “SOUP JAM,” Don Rowan’s country & bluegrass jam, at 3240 Industry Dr, Signal Hill 90755. Info, contact Don, 562-883-0573. Acoustic instruments only, floating mic for voice; soup, donuts, coffee & tap water served. Loc is 1 mile S of 405 Fwy, 1.2 mi S of Long Beach Airport. Lakewood Bl South exit from 405, immediate right onto Willow for 1 mi (W), left on Redondo for 3/4 mile (S), right onto Industry Dr for 0.2 mi (W), building is first entrance for last building on the left; a fair-sized industrial building with high ceilings.
Tue, Jun 16, every week:
7-10 pm OPEN MIC – Music, Comedy, Spoken Word, at Synergy Café Lounge, 4437 Sepulveda Bl (just S of Culver Bl), Culver City;; 310-482-3490. An eclectic open mic night. Bring your instruments, poetry, comedy, and anything else you’d like to share during your 8-10 minute set. Great atmosphere, excellent opportunity to see and meet other performers. No cover, food / drink purchase expected. Info, contact MC Jackie,
Tue, Jun 16; in Palmdale:
7 pm ANTELOPE VALLEY GUITAR SOCIETY, with performing guest DANA TAPP, jazz guitarist, at Butler’s Coffee, 40125 10th St West, Suite I, Palmdale 93551; 661-272-9530; Dana Tapp is a veteran professional jazz guitarists and has performed with many industry greats. Dana’s set followed by performances from AVGS members and new attendees. More AVGS website, Info, Jack Miller, President, Antelope Valley Guitar Society, at or 661-940-8307.
Tue, Jun 16, every week; in the Inland Empire:
7 pm “LOMA LINDA UNIVERSITY OPEN JAM” at Loma Linda University College Market Patio Pantry, 24905 Anderson St, (at Mound & Anderson St, near US Post Office, behind other buildings), Loma Linda. Every Tue in 2009.
Tue, Jun 16, every week; in Tehachapi:
7-10 pm “ACOUSTIC JAM” at Mama HillyBeans Coffee & Community, 426 E Tehachapi Bl, Tehachapi; 661-822-BEAN; They welcome “All unplugged acoustic players.” Venue has great ambience, food “made from scratch and about 95% organic.” No cover.
Tue, Jun 16, third Tue, every month; “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” pick:
7:30 pm SUSIE GLAZE & THE HILONESOME BAND are this month’s performing artists at the monthly “BLUEGRASS AT THE BRAEMAR,” BASC (Bluegrass Assoc of Southern Cal) show at Braemar Country Club, 4001 Reseda Bl, Tarzana 91356. (Take 101 Fwy to Reseda Bl, exit S, go 2 1/2 miles up the hill to the entrance on the right.)
SUSIE GLAZE & HILONESOME are named in FolkWorks’ “Best of 2008 / Top Ten” as one of the “Top Ten Live Acoustic Bands in L.A.” in 2008. That selection reads, “Susie is justifiably endorsed by Appalachian music legend Jean Richie, and the band has a fine repertoire of beyond-bluegrass originals from its chief songwriter, Rob Carlson. They can take you up in the hollars, or sound like a female-fronted Asleep at the Wheel.” (
In addition, they won the “Just Plain Folks” award for “Best Roots Album” (with 70,000 people voting, worldwide) and they have performed live on radio’s “Tied to the Tracks” multiple times, to the delight of listeners. Venue booker Gary Mandell says, “Her superb voice complimented by her band’s tasteful backup are a perfect fit.” (Gary is named in FolkWorks among the “Best of 2008 / Top Ten” most underappreciated people of the L.A. acoustic scene.) More at
Show is free; dinner is an optional pasta buffet, complete with soup, dinner salad (you can add chicken breast), rolls, butter, coffee, tea and dessert, $14 (tax and tip included). Buffet served beginning at 6:30 pm. Bar service available. Ample seating, safe, secure free parking. Info: contact Joy Felt, Bluegrass Association of Southern California, at 818-705-8870 or
Tue, Jun 16, 3rd (& 1st) Tue, every month:
7:30 pm “OPEN MIC” at Viento y Agua Coffeehouse, 4007 E 4th St, Long Beach 90814.
Sign up list closes at 8 pm when the show starts. All genres of music and all styles of self-expression including spoken word, instrumental or lyrical (folk, hip hop, soul, reggae, rock, blues, etc) are welcome.
Tue, Jun 16, recurring:
7:30 pm Weekly OPEN MIC at Hallenbeck’s General Store, 5510 Cahuenga Bl, North Hollywood; 818-985-5916; Venue offers sandwiches, coffeehouse fare. No cover.
Tue, Jun 16, third (and first) Tue, every month:
“BACK PORCH AT THE UNURBAN” hosted by swamp grass band KILLING CASSANOVA, on the back porch at the Unurban Coffee House, 3301 Pico Bl (at 33rd), Santa Monica. The back porch is “a night of acoustic singer-songwriters, folk and freak folkers” sharing the stage with Killing Cassanova. The Unurban is a free thinking, all ages, speakeasy-style coffee house, with food for vegeterians and deli lovers alike, and the usual coffeehouse fare. The hosts add, “Please contact us if you’re interested in sharing the stage with Killing Cassanova,” through or
Tue, Jun 16; “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” pick:
8-11 pm “BLOOMSDAY CELEBRATION” charity benefit with KEN O’MALLEY & THE TWILIGHT LORDS joining a full lineup of performers at Clancy’s, in East Arts Village, 803 E Broadway, Long Beach 90802; 562-437-1836; It’s the annual celebration of this uniquely Irish commemoration of James Joyce and his novel “Ulysses.” Costumes are encouraged.
The 3rd Annual Event celebrates the James Joyce novel, “Ulysses,” with readings, performances, and music. Bloomsday is a commemoration observed annually on June 16 in Dublin, Ireland and around the world to celebrate the life of Irish writer James Joyce and relive the events in the novel, all of which took place on the same day in Dublin in 1904. Bloomsday involves a range of cultural activities including Ulysses readings and dramatizations, parades, and general merriment. Enthusiasts are encouraged to dress in Edwardian costume and bring personal copies of Joyce’s books to read their favorite passages. Ken O’Malley and the Twilight Lords headline the evening’s musical entertainment.
The full scope of Bloomsday at Clancy’s runs all day here, with traditional Irish breakfast of sausages, rashers, toast, beans, and black and white puddings available beginning at 8 am. The evening celebration goes from 6 pm-midnight, and Ken O’Malley performs from 9-11 pm; Joycean readings and dramatizations are ongoing throughout the celebration. The event benefits the Blind Children’s Center of Los Angeles, a family-centered agency serving children with visual impairments.
Tue, Jun 16; in Santa Barbara:
8 pm MARSHALL CRENSHAW at SOhO Restaurant & Music Club, 1221 State St, Santa Barbara 93101; 805-962-7776; He’s touring his newest CD, “Jaggedtown.” More at “Although he was seen as a latter-day Buddy Holly at the outset … Marshall Crenshaw soon proved too talented and original to be anyone but himself.” – Trouser Press.
Marshall Crenshaw’s musical self is brilliantly alive and well. He began playing guitar at age ten, and got his first break playing John Lennon in the off-Broadway company of Beatlemania. While in New York, he recorded a single for Alan Betrock’s Shake Records, “Something’s Gonna Happen,” after which he was signed to Warner Bros. Records.
His first album, “Marshall Crenshaw,” was acclaimed as a pop masterpiece upon release in 1982, proving Crenshaw a first-rate songwriter, singer and guitarist. The record spawned the Top 40 single Someday, Someway, which rocker Robert Gordon had taken to #76 on the charts a year earlier. His second album, “Field Day,” is regarded by many critics as one of rock music’s classic power pop statements. “Some of the stuff I’ve done you could call power pop,” he told an interviewer. “But the term does have sort of a dodgy connotation.” Indeed, Crenshaw’s subsequent 20-plus years of studio recordings offer an evolutionary journey through an array of musical landscapes.
His most recent studio effort, “What’s in the Bag,” leaves genre labels in the rear-view mirror, featuring everything from guitar-based instrumentals to R&B influences to jazzy love songs. In the words of PopMatters’ Gary Glauber: “What’s in the Bag? is a musical treasure trove. This isn’t about creating a commercial radio single; this is Marshall Crenshaw sharing his gifts with a discriminating audience.”
Such is Marshall Crenshaw’s reputation as one of the finest songwriters of his (or any) generation, with roots in classic soul music, British invasion songcraft, Burt Bacharach, and Buddy Holly — to whom Crenshaw was often compared in the early days of his career, and whom he portrayed in the 1987 film La Bamba.
Marshall Crenshaw’s most recent career highlights may, at last, bring him the public recognition that has long eluded him. His title contribution to the new film “Walk Hard” was nominated for a 2007 Golden Globe award for “Best Original Song” and most recently a Grammy for “Best Song Written For Motion Picture, Television Or Other Visual Media.” Tix $15, $12 if you have dinner there.
Tue, Jun 16:
8 pm THE ALLEY CATS plus MITZI MOGUL at the venue named in FolkWorks as L.A.’s best intimate acoustic listening room venue – The Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena; reserv 626-398-7917; info
“The Alley Cats,” says venue impresario Bob Stane, “are a perfect blend of musical talent and comic timing. Their interaction with audiences combined with their spontaneous humor makes each show refreshing and exciting. Royce, Juan, Mando, and Sean never miss a beat as they bring their own contemporary style to the great songs of the ‘50s and ‘60s. They have recorded four albums, which showcase their rich harmonies, as well as the energy and humor from their live shows. Every Alley Cat performance is accompanied by the sounds of laughter and voices joining-in to sing the melodies we all know and love. Tight harmonies, universal humor, and unbelievable a cappella energy have made The Alley Cats ‘America’s Premier Doo-Wop Group, and the most-booked Doo-Wop group.”
Plus, MITZI MOGUL, aka Mitzi March Mogul, who sings and plays guitar. “Mitzi’s style is reminiscent of Joni Mitchell and Carly Simon, with a touch of Johnny Cash, yet definitely her own voice. Her songs are about disappointment, optimism, rejection, desire, heartbreak and true love — the stories of life that live inside all of us. What you’re thinking and feeling — Mitzi’s got a song that expresses it in ways that you would, if you could. Be prepared to have a good time and leave with a new soundtrack for your life. You think she’s singing to you personally? She is. Worth coming out on a ‘school night!’” — Bob Stane. Tix, $15.
Tue, Jun 16, every week:
8-9:30 pm “TUESDAY NIGHT MUSIC CLUB” weekly series with KACEE and MICHAEL DOMAN, with different musical guests each week, at Molly Malone’s, 575 S Fairfax Av, L.A. 90036; 323-935-1577; Began Jul 8, 2008. Michael says, “Tuesdays just got a whole lot better.”
Tue, Jun 16, every week:
8 pm OPEN MIC at Viva Cantina, 900 Riverside Dr, Burbank;; 818-515-4444.
Tue, Jun 16, every week:
8 pm OPEN MIC at Sierra Cup, 409 S Myrtle Av, Monrovia 91016; 626-301-4214; Sign-ups at 7:30 pm.
Tue, Jun 16, every week; in Laguna Beach:
8 pm weekly “SONGWRITER SHOWCASE” features guest artists and BETH FITCHET WOOD, who plays the opening set each week, at the The Marine Room Tavern, 214 Ocean Av, Laguna Beach; 949-494-3027.
Tue, Jun 16, every Tue:
8:30 pm LIVE MUSIC (artists tba) at the Cowboy Palace Saloon, 21635 Devonshire St (Devonshire & Owensmouth), Chatsworth 91311;; 818-341-0166. Live music 7 nights a week, sometimes acoustic, sometimes electric. Preceded by free swing dance lessons with Ed, 7-8:30 pm. No cover.
Tue, Jun 16:
MARK STUART & THE BASTARD SONS (formerly the Bastard Sons of Johnny Cash) play Joe’s Great American Bar and Grill, 4311 W Magnolia Bl, Burbank 91505; 818-729-0805; , Contact venue for set time. (We were wondering when the Cash family would put a stop to the former name…)
Tue, Jun 16, every Tue:
9 pm-12:30 am “BLUES ROCK JAM” night at Music Club Shadow, 351 N Fairfax Av, L.A. 90048;; reservations, 323-428-8471. Open for dinner at 7 pm; those not there by 9 pm lose priority seating. Venue has a capacity of 250, with ample free parking (wonderful news in this part of town!) and full dinner menu including exotic Russian cuisine and lighter fare, and full bar. Big patio for those still afflicted with smoking. Their goal is to present “great, energizing live music, local artists and bands as well as international acts.” They note, “As can be seen from the 2009 Grammy Awards, half the winners were indie artists. Club Shadow supports this trend.”
Each night brings different styles and genres:
Monday – Singer-Songwriter “Create” night, 8 pm-12:30 am
Tuesday – “Pro-Jam, Tribute/Cover Bands night,” 9 pm-12:30 am
Wednesday – “Platinum Divas Live!” night, 8 pm-12:30 am
Thursday – “Blues, Blues/Rock, Funk night,” 8 pm-12:30 am
Sunday – “Pop, Rock, Indie Rock, World Music” night, 8 pm-11:30 am
All shows are $10 cover.
Wednesday’s “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” picks are LEE DOMANN with his “Down to Monterrey” show at 7:30 pm in South Pasadena, and THE SONG SIRENS in Sierra Madre at 8 pm.
LOS ANGELES AREA acoustic music performances:
Wed, Jun 17, every Wed, in Yucaipa:
12:30 pm “YUCAIPA UKERS,” THE YUCAIPA UKULELE GANG, an ‘off-shoot’ of the Loma Linda Ukulele Strummers (LLUS), meets every Wed (recently changed; was 10:30 am). Info, loc,
Wed, Jun 17, every Wed:
ON HIATUS: 3-7 pm “ROOTS MUSIC JAM SESSION” with TOM SAUBER at the Sierra Madre Farmers’ Market, in the parking lot behind the shops on the south side of Sierra Madre Blvd., just west of Baldwin Av, in Sierra Madre. Take Baldwin Av exit N from 210 Fwy. Turn W off Baldwin onto Mariposa and you’ll see the tents. Tom tells us, “It won’t take the place of Frank & Joe’s [the long-gone Wed night jam] and I know it’s not convenient for most, but it’s something as long as the weather’s nice.” Info,
Tom tells us, “It won’t be meeting again until the weather warms up.”
Wed, Jun 17, (Wed & Thu), every week; near Santa Barbara:
4 pm-late New “PARADISE STORE TWICE-WEEKLY BLUEGRASS / MOUNTAIN MUSIC JAM” at Paradise Store, N of Santa Barbara on Hwy 154 for 9.5 mi; right on Paradise Rd, 1/2 mile to the store. Directions,
Wed’s include BBQ; Thu’s are a “Mountain Fiddle Hootenanny.” Both hosted by MARK LEWIS. More at
Wed, Jun 17, every Wed:
5-8 pm New “CLAREMONT WEDNESDAY GREEN MARKET” features acoustic music with RON ELY doing seafaring songs and more, inside the Packing House in the new West Claremont Center, 532 W First St, Claremont 91711; . Ron tells us, “It’s all about ‘going GREEN,’ and should be promoted and supported. They are going to expand with a Farmer’s Market each Wednesday evening. That will be outside this same venue, The Packing House, a fully rehabilitated old building, a real packing house, Historical Landmark. It’s put-on by the non-profit ‘Claremont Forum,’ ( that sponsors the “Prison Library Project,” sending books to those incarcerated.”
Wed, Jun 17, every Wed:
7-10 pm weekly OPEN MIC at the Talking Stick, (new location), 1411 Lincoln Bl, Venice 92091; Alternating hosts TOM & BYRON or ELLEN. Sign-ups at 6:45 pm. Venue has coffeehouse fare and good sandwiches. All ages, no cover.
Wed, Jun 17, every Wed:
7-9 pm “JILL SHARPE PRO-BLUES JAM” local blues favorite Jill Sharpe jams with her band at Sacred Grounds, 468 W 6th St, San Pedro 90731. More at No cover.
Wed, Jun 17, every Wed:
7-10 pm (started Jan 7) “KULAK’S WEDNESDAY NIGHT SONGWRITERS WORKSHOP” at Kulak’s Woodshed, 5230-1/2 Laurel Canyon Bl, North Hollywood; 818-766-9913; info and live webcast at Marc Platt wrote, for Music Connection, “Your Wednesday Nights will never be the same after participating in this Group Workshop. The weekly cost is $20, which goes to Kulak’s to help pay the rent. The Workshop… is open to the public for the first four weeks. We will then set our 12-person group writing roster until the end of March. The workshop will be limited to 12 writers. We will break up into groups and work on many styles, genres and topics. You will find it challenging and exhilarating. You can bring instruments and will need to have your own small recording device, as well as a pen and notepad. Marc Platt (from the Sunday Night Performance Workshop) will facilitate with help from Steve Schalchlin. Marc has written music for TV Shows like ‘Queer Eye For The Straight Guy’ and others for many years. Steve Schalchlin ran similar workshops for the NAS (National Academy of Songwriters) in the 1990s and is a very accomplished songwriter. His ‘New World Waking’ show is currently running in San Francisco. If you are interested, please email Marc Platt at”
Wed, Jun 17, every Wed, in Tehachapi:
7-10 pm OPEN MIC at Mama HillyBeans Coffee & Community, 426 E Tehachapi Bl, Tehachapi; 661-822-BEAN; They welcome “musicians, poets, writers, thinkers, and audiences.” Venue has great ambience, food “made from scratch and about 95% organic.” No cover.
Wed, Jun 17; “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” pick:
7:30 pm LEE DOMANN performs his thematic “DOWN TO MONTEREY” 1966-67 Haight-Ashbury-themed song cycle, at the Fremont Centre Theatre, 1000 Fremont Av, South Pasadena. Lee Domann has written songs recorded by KATHY MATTEA and RIDERS IN THE SKY. The New Mexico-based artist is building an enthusiastic fan base in Southern Cal, with his occasional performance tours here.
Dave Morrison says of this show, “I went to its debut several months ago out in Culver City, and it was really great. Lee is a terrific songwriter, and a dear friend. ‘Down to Monterey’ is a group of thematically-linked songs about a couple of Midwest kids coming out to California for the Summer of Love, and the strange and wondrous and sometimes tragic world they find. It’s a free event, very casual. I’ll be there, and I hope to see you.” Your editor attended and wrote of that premiere, co-produced by actress-singer-songwriter-radio producer Debbie Berry.
Lee tells us that tonight is “A workshop presentation of ‘Down to Monterey,’ for a group of producers with an audience of music lovers and the general public.” He says, “I heartily invite you to this. Those of you who attended the ‘premier’ in Culver City in January will find some differences from that presentation, including some additional songs. At the request of the industry folks for whom this is being set up, it will be a solo effort on my part. It is a particular honor to do this at the Fremont Centre Theatre, owned and operated by Jim and Lissa Reynolds. They are lifelong friends, and the Fremont is one of the most highly regarded small theatres in L.A. I’ll be honored by your presence. That’s my way of saying, “I NEED your presence!” Seeing your warm, friendly, familiar faces will be an emotional and spiritual boost.´ (You may remember the venue as longtime home for “Brett Perkins Listening Room,” before that moved to Europe and multiplied to many countries.) Lee adds, “RSVP much appreciated” at . More at
Wed, Jun 17, 3rd (and 1st) Wed, every month:
7:30-9:30 pm twice-monthly “COWBOY WESTERN JAM” at El Trocadero, 24274 Main St (at Market), Newhall 91321; 661-284-6615; (Many maps show the street name as San Fernando Rd; the part where the venue is located was renamed Main St in 2007.) Event moved to this venue in Sep, 2008. This is the event that was held at Rattlesnake Slim’s until that venue had a fire, and before that, it was held for years at Vincenzo’s Pizza. All pickers invited. No cover.
Wed, Jun 17, 3rd Wed, every month:
7:30-10 pm monthly “SONGWRITER’S NETWORK SHOWCASE” with about 15 performing songwriters, at The Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena 91001. Songnet’s monthly showcase brings an assortment of accomplished artists trying-out new songs, talented up-and-comers, and others. It provides performing songwriters and other musicians an opportunity to perform their originals on a professional stage, for songwriting peers, in a supportive atmosphere. Info on attending or performing and on the organization, at Pre-register to perform, or arrive before 7:30 pm for any spots that may remain. Coffeehouse fare available. Free entry, $5 suggested donation.
In addition, every FIRST Wednesday, SongNet has seminars here with industry guests who discuss the business side of music. That, too, is FREE and should be of great interest to anyone who wants a “behind the scenes look” at working in the music biz.
Info, articles, links to the music business, and CGB impresario BOB STANE’s “boilerplate,” explaining why some artists do not get booked on a regular basis, are all at
Wed, Jun 17, every Wed:
7:30-10 pm “SOUTH BAY BEAT SONGWRITER SHOWCASE” series at Club 705 / Ardmore Restaurant, 705 Pier Av, Hermosa Beach 90254; 310-372-9705. Based on their opening bookings, this is a wonderful series with musicians who have played all over the world, sharing stages with big names in the music biz. Call them for tonight’s lineup. All ages, no cover.
Wed, Jun 17, every Wed:
7:30-10:30 pm “SINGER-SONGWRITER NIGHT” with STRUFF & TERRY, and Musical Guests at Tango D’Amore, 19524 Nordhoff St #3, Northridge 91324; shared parking with Guitar Center; 818-727-7399; Lineup always includes hosts Struff & Terry ( and others, sometimes unknown, sometimes rather well-known. $5 cover.
Wed, Jun 17, every Wed:
7:30-10 pm OPEN MIC at Guitar Merchant, 7503 Topanga Cyn Bl, Canoga Park 91303; 818-884-5905. Every Wednesday, hosted by Melinda Gibson. 7 pm sign-ups. Get your set recorded on CD for $10 (optional). Snacks and drinks available. No cover, tip jar for artists.
Wed, Jun 17, every Wed, in Simi Valley:
7:30-11:30 pm SONGMAKERS “SIMI VALLEY HOOT” jam session in Simi Valley; for location, contact M. Gregory, or 805-579-6416. More at
Wed, Jun 17, every Wed:
MISS MICKEY CHAMPION at Harvelle’s, 1432 Fourth St, Santa Monica; 310-395-1676. L.A.’s legendary blueswoman plays an every-Wednesday residency. Artist info: $3-7 cover. Start time varies; call venue.
Wed, Jun 17; “SHOW-OF-THE-WEEK” pick:
8-11 pm The SONG SIRENS celebrate Claire Holley’s birthday with a show at Café 322, 322 W Sierra Madre Bl, Sierra Madre; 626-836-5414; The SONG SIRENS are the marvelous ensemble of performing songwriters GIA CIAMBOTTI, NICOLE GORDON, CLAIRE HOLLEY, KRISTIN MOONEY, BLISS BOWEN, & CARL BYRON. Tonight, they harmonize and play and dedicate a song or two to celebrate Claire’s birthday. Bliss (who doubles as one of L.A.’s favorite music journalists) tells us, “We’ll be joined by special guest SALLY JAYE, we’ve got some surprises planned, and we’re looking forward to a fun time that will hopefully be an extra special night for Claire. Please come join us!” More at and
Wed, Jun 17, 3rd Wed every month:
8 pm THE BROMBIES bring bluegrass to Viva Fresh Cantina, 900 Riverside Dr, Burbank (next to L.A. Equestrian Center); 818-845-2425. They have a residency there, the first, third (and occasional fifth) Wed of every month.
Wed, Jun 17:
8 pm ZAP MAMA at the El Rey Theatre, 5515 Wilshire Bl, L.A.; 323-936-4790; Zap Mama is an energetic band that fuses the spectrum of New Orleans-based music with Cajun, zydeco and aspects of groove-driven pop. It may or may not be the right cup of strong java for those with mostly-folk sensitivities and tastes, but it is certainly different, and to many, refreshingly so. Doors at 8 pm. Tix,;$30, went on sale in March.
Wed, Jun 17, every Wed:
8 pm “ACOUSTIC CORDIALE” SERIES at Café Cordiale, 14015 Ventura Bl, Sherman Oaks; 818-789-1985. One recent lineup included Heather Waters & Duane Jarvis and Micheal Ann & Alexandra Bustamante. Manda has played the series, as well. Hosted by singer-songwriter DONOVAN LYMAN (Blue Meridian) performing a song or two between each act. Dinner served all evening; plenty of private tables. All ages, free parking, no cover.
Wed, Jun 17, every Wed:
8 pm “WHISKEY DICK WEDNESDAYS” at Fubar, 7994 Santa Monica Bl (1 blk E of Crescent Hgts), West Hollywood. This is a roots / honky-tonk night, and talented artists like MICHAEL ANN play this series, which offers 5 cent beer and 10 cent shots of whiskey and other booze, “where the west is still very wild. Say howdy to the craziest party there could ever be,” their promo says. Other nights there are anything but Americana music, and do not offer such incredibly cheap liquor. Fubar is a well known gay bar. Info from No cover.
Wed, Jun 17, every Wed:
8 pm OPEN MIC at The Talking Stick, 1630 Ocean Park Bl, Santa Monica;
Wed, Jun 17, recurring:
8 pm OPEN MIC at The Pig ‘n Whistle, 6714 Hollywood Bl, Hollywood 90028; Sign-ups at 7:30, show at 8 pm.
Wed, Jun 17, every Wed:
8 pm OPEN JAZZ JAM at Hip Kitty Jazz / Fondue, 502 W First St (in the Packing House complex), Claremont 91711;; 909-447-6700. Beautiful venue, serves food, beer & wine, 25 mins E of Pasadena off the 210 Fwy.
Wed, Jun 17, every Wed:
8:30 pm LIVE MUSIC (artists tba) at the Cowboy Palace Saloon, 21635 Devonshire St (Devonshire & Owensmouth), Chatsworth 91311;; 818-341-0166. Live music 7 nights a week, sometimes acoustic, sometimes electric. Preceded by free line dance lessons with Kathy, 7-8:30 pm. No cover.
Wed, Jun 17, every Wed:
8:30 pm-midnight “JAZZ JAM SESSION” at The Smokehouse Restaurant, 4420 W Lakeside Dr (at Barham), Burbank 91505;; 818-845-3731. New home for the long-running weekly series formerly at the Sportsman’s Lodge; hosted by CATHY SEGAL-GARCIA, President of the California Pop & Jazz Council ( Event info, No cover.
Wed, Jun 17, every Wed:
9 pm-midnight “PRO BLUES JAM SESSION” hosted by 21st CENTURY BLUES band, at the Azteca Restaurant and Bar, 717 S San Gabriel Bl, San Gabriel 91776; 626-287-4645. (New Mar 11, 2009.)
[Updated editions with more (always more — as we have time to organize all of it), and all the many, many, acoustic music events to come in JUNE and beyond – in and around Los Angeles, plus the many, many, many upcoming acoustic music FESTIVALS, near and far, here, there and everywhere! It’ll all be here, soon.]
The MOST RECENT EDITIONS – both the GUIDE’s event calendars with descriptive write-ups, AND the Acoustic Americana Music News Features – are available at
News of the “Tied to the Tracks” radio show is at and on No Depression, at
Questions? Comments? Contact us at
As always, more to come, as we (believe it or not) continue to make updates to all the months of 2009 in the “long look ahead” posts.
…So many truly fine shows, so few evenings and weekends to see them. With a new spirit of HOPE in America, why not celebrate by going out for a tunefully good time?
copyright (c) © 2009, Larry Wines. All rights reserved.
“There’s nothing as quiet as night without music, as dark as a night without stars…” – from “THE FIDDLER,” learned from Guy Carawan
CAJUN PROVERB OF THE MONTH “The sign of a true friend: when he can forgive your success!” — from, which supplies us and the Gator Gazette.
Yes, it’s true –
There are more ACOUSTIC AMERICANA / ACOUSTIC RENAISSANCE music performances EVERY week in the Los Angeles area than the COMBINED TOTAL of ALL OTHER KINDS OF MUSIC!
(And that doesn’t even take the dozens of electric Americana shows into account!)
If you have trouble believing that assertion, then print this out and see how many pages you’ll need just for the events for the days covered in this edition!
Check it yourself: take any edition of the L.A. Times Calendar Section and any edition of the LA Weekly, count-up all the live music shows (you won’t even need to subtract-out the acoustic shows in those two publications, since they hardly list any, anyway) and add them up. THEN, count the number of live acoustic music performances for the same days in the Acoustic Americana Music Guide. We have yet to find a week when the TOTAL of all those other genres of music performances equals the number of live performances of acoustic music in the L.A. area! (Even though you can’t hear the music on the radio here, or read about it in the biggest newspapers, it seems people DO want acoustic music and they will find and support it anyway!