Acoustic Americana Music Guide, Sep 23 through 30
HERE’S THE updated GUIDE, through SEPTEMBER’s end
…and it brings to mind that wonderful old Stan Laurel bit (Laurel & Hardy) in which Stanley is reckoning the passage of time: “Septober, Octember, No Wonder…”
The editor still can’t use the computer as his recovery continues to progress from eye surgery (but he does supply quotes like the one above). This update is made possible by the combined efforts of many, in many places. We have formatted everything the editor had in the Guide’s database, and combined all of it. We hope to post October’s events soon.
The editor thanks everyone for the cards and letters, and for whatever well-wishes await in the mountain of emails that he can’t yet read. A few at a time, we are starting to read them to him (there are over 2,700 there, waiting!)
Check out Larry Wines’ September column in FolkWorks. It’s available free online at and it’s a time of remembrances for the late musicians MIKE SEEGER and DAVID CARRADINE, and for WOODY GUTHRIE’S guitar.
Tied to the Tracks
SEPTEMBER 23 through 30, 2009 EDITION
LOTS of music continues at the Los Angeles County Fair in Pomona: check our special sections at the beginning of each day’s listings. Plus (as always) there’s an almost incomprehensible number and variety of live acoustic performances all across the L.A. region. And we tell you about all those acoustic festivals, everywhere. AND radio shows featuring live performances and interviews with acoustic musicians that are available on the web. So go enjoy some wonderful live acoustic music!
September’s live acoustic performances continue, at concert halls, coffeehouses, clubs, bars, parks, band shells, the L.A. County Fair, and theaters and amphitheaters indoors and out, and all of it awaits you at
(Yes, you can give your friends the url, even if it reveals they don’t need to call you anymore to learn what’s happening.)
Yes, it’s true –
There are more ACOUSTIC AMERICANA / ACOUSTIC RENAISSANCE music performances EVERY week in the Los Angeles area than the COMBINED TOTAL of ALL OTHER KINDS OF MUSIC!
(And that doesn’t even take into account the dozens of electric Americana shows!)