A Strike of a Resplendent Sibling Chord = Magnetic & Engaging Songs

This little, remarkable four-song EP gets off to a rollicking start with some engaging acoustic string plucks. As the melody unfolds in true Americana style the female vocalist (Esmay) of The Luck — grips your ears with a smooth voice that when required, gets gritty and magnetic.
The London-born brother and sister duo of Max and Esmay Luck is tight and their songs swarm — as they do in the title track “True North.”
It’s a little mindful of the Cowboy Junkies, Raindogs, and while not as distinctive (as of yet) of Maria McKee or Mary Ramsay – they have shadings of 10,000 Maniacs at their Americana best. But, Esmay does have the quality that McKee and Ramsay possess — I believe she will take her place beside these women soon. It’s obvious.
Track two “Vertigo,” begins with some steady acoustic guitars, hand-claps and casual, but resplendent vocals provided by Max Luck. After a few lyrics, his sister Esmay slides in — opens up full throttle with a fire hydrant blast of notes as the pulsating melody thrusts forward with what makes their music so epic.
At this junction they began to remind me of three bands that I cherish: a few moments into the tune and the style of the exceptional Canadian band The Spoons with Gordon Deppe & Sandy Horne exemplified years ago surfaces (their classic “Arias & Symphonies,” “No Electrons,” “No More Growing Up” “Old Emotions” & “Rodeo”). The Spoons were a little more synthesizer & lead guitar driven, but the spirit of the female vocals in concert with the male vocals — was there in spades as it is indeed, splendidly with The Luck.
Then there is the Atlanta, GA band the Swimming Pool Q’s when they released their very melodic “Now I’m Thinking About Now,” as sung by their remarkable lead vocalist Ann Richmond Boston.
As well, The Luck’s wonderful dual vocals, ensuing with energy will remind one of the style the twin brothers in The Proclaimers (“Sunshine on Leith,” & “I’m On My Way”) — apply so fervently. The Luck in brief: This is exciting stuff.
“If This Is Love,” is even more in the tradition of The Proclaimers. Chiming acoustic guitars, well-disciplined lyrics sung with sincerity and striking a responsive sibling chord.
The dual singing of Max and Emsay together is meticulous and it sparkles like a roman candle. Nice arrangement, impeccable musicianship throughout. The tune has the commercial necessities to be big in Americana circles. There is nothing complicated here except that it’s striking, memorable and most definitely something that will stick in your head.
Already, the final track – “Holding On,” starts quietly with acoustic guitar. This EP is so well recorded you would swear it’s being sung live by the singer directly into your ears. My only criticism – there are so many songs called “Holding On,” or “Hold On,” – just a few moments more and I am sure The Luck would have come up with another take on what they are trying to convey.
“Keep Going,” “Lingering On,” “Keeping On,” “Carry Through,” – well, you get the idea. The song itself? It’s fine, so don’t let my little criticism deter. They have good lyrics, with fiery music and an excellent performance and of course, wonderful vocals.
The EP was produced by Paul Broucek and co-produced by The Luck & Jonathan Sadoff (“Holding On”).
No Depression’s dependable Americana Lady conducted an interview with The Luck in August 2016 and that’s available here: https://nodepression.com/interview/interview-it-takes-luck-make-good-music
Website: http://www.theluckmusic.com/
FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/TheLuckMusic
Spotify: https://play.spotify.com/artist/1ZiLKiDuHyrckm1ubrrYtK
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this review / commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of No Depression. All photography is owned by the respective photographers and is their copyrighted image; credited where photographer’s name was known & being used here solely as reference and will be removed on request. YouTube images are standard YouTube license.
John Apice / No Depression / Written in November 2016