Adam Lee ‘s Sincerity Is Effortlessly Affecting

Adam Lee begins his new album with all the understated sentiment the title of his new album implies, and while songs such as the sweetly sincere “Good Days” and the rugged ballad “Patrick” suggest there’s a sensitive soul at work here, the robust veracity of “Sing With Me” and “Misery” reveal the tenacious trappings that underscore Lee’s prowess and proficiency. Indeed, Lee’s a man of varied emotions, many of which surface throughout. After heading up his Kansas City-based band Adam Lee and Dead Horse Sound Company and then offered the opportunity to star in the Broadway musical “Million Dollar Quartet,” he effectively strikes on his own with a debut disc that reflects a clear sense of agility and achievement. Indeed, several of its songs evoke the feel of genuine Americana standards. “Some call me conceited,” he suggests on the jaunty “What I Need,” but, in fact, his confidence ought not be interpreted as narcissism. Sincerely, Me is a solid, sometimes stoic, set of songs that convey a clear dedication to purpose. “Hold On” epitomizes that approach to a considerable degree, its solid, muscular drive demonstrating an urgency and insurgence that fully encapsulates the essence of those intents. Granted, there any number of dedicated young troubadours filling out the Americana rank and file these days, but suffice it to say Adam Lee is one of those that deserves immediate attention.