Album Review: Glossary – Feral Fire

Originally posted on A Truer Sound (go there for streaming sound clips)
It is a rare thing for a rock band to have a sound that is unique. That holds especially true in this era where an actual honest to God rock band is just about as hard to find. On Feral Fire Glossary not only perfect a unique sound, but also a sound that is at once familiar, fresh, and extremely easy on the ears. The album starts off with a count off and feedback before kicking into a catchy overdriven guitar riff that let’s you know what you are in store for on this album.
Joey Kneiser leads the band with his raspy yet silky vocals (does that even make sense…eff it, I’m running with it), but the secret weapon of the band is in my opinion his ex-wife Kelly Kneiser who’s voice blends perfectly with Joey’s in all the right spots. The way she finishes the verses and fills out the chorus is reminiscent of Fleetwood Mac I want to say, but also of Merle Haggard’s early recordings with Bonnie Owens.
Now I already compared them to Fleetwood Mac, well that’s not really a very good comparison, but there is certainly some elements of that in there. In fact I find it hard to pin point an easy comparison for Glossary, there are many obvious influences such as Tom Petty and Thin Lizzy, but there is no one influence that shines above the others…they just sound like….Glossary. And that is truly the mark of a great band.
Now you folks know I would rather let the music speak for it’s self, so here are a couple tracks below. The tracks I chose are the steel guitar workout “Bend With The Breeze”, and my favorite off the album “Pretty Things”. I’m a sucker for sweet soul music and Pretty Things has that southern rock country soul thing down in spades. One other thing I would like to mention is I love how the album is sequenced like a great album should be. I know it’s not available on vinyl but it is sequenced perfectly for the 33 1/3 format. Side one would be packed with mostly rockers but ending with the soft ballad “The Sweet Forever”, and side two kicking off hard and fast with “Bend With The Breeze” only to wind you down slowly until the final lines of the sublime “Hope and Peril”. This is truly a great album with not a single bad song on it. One of my favorites of the year.
Buy Glossary – Feral Fire here or on iTunes
Glossary – Bend With The Breeze
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