ALBUM REVIEW: When Things Are Good and When They’re Not, Donovan Woods Has a Song For It All

Donovan Woods has never been one to shy away from difficult emotions and circumstances. His catalog is full of songs that take on and reconcile the challenges of life. With his new record, Things Were Never Good If They’re Not Good Now, Woods adds 11 more well-written, heartfelt tracks to that songbook.
Things Were Never Good If They’re Not Good Now finds Woods examining his life since 2020 and finding the positives, negatives, and ambiguities that come with existence. Album opener “Rosemary” deals with the emotional wreckage found in the aftermath of a quarrel with a romantic partner. “Darling, are we OK yet,” Woods asks before lamenting, “I’m always in the way of what you’re wanting.”
He doesn’t answer that question within the lyrics of “Rosemary,” leaving the listener pondering the ambiguity felt in those uncomfortable, emotionally taxing moments. But on “When Our Friends Come Over,” Woods sort of provides a resolution. Instead of focusing in on the fights and moments that cause tension, this duet with Madi Diaz focuses on a couple hosting a group of friends. The pair trade verses about how being in the midst of others can remind them what each likes about the other and how “it’s nice to see ourselves through someone else’s eyes sometimes.”
“Well Read” and “116 West Main, Durham, NC” find Woods reflecting on his own personality and motivations for why he performs and how he relates to others. And in a way that’s true to life, he doesn’t discover any answers as these acoustic ruminations unfurl, just more uncertainty.
It’s not all gloom, however, even when the circumstances appear to be. “Back for the Funeral” follows a group of friends who return to their hometown after a friend dies from an overdose. Woods dives into the feelings one can feel toward where they came from, the unattained goals after leaving, the sense of loss. But he reflects on the flip side of it as well: the bittersweetness of seeing friends and loved ones you’ve fallen out of touch with and lapsing back into the behaviors that once brought happiness and encouraged youthful dreams.
It’s complicated.
But as Woods so poignantly makes clear throughout Things Were Never Good If They’re Not Good Now, life and the relationships we form during the course of it are always complicated.
Donovan Woods’ Things Were Never Good If They’re Not Good Now is out July 12 on End Times Music.