Alien Country Share Eclectic New Record “Like My Life Depends On It”

Alien Country is an artist that we have had our eye (and ears!) on for a little while now. The brainchild of artist Liam Torres, he comes to life with an Americana sound that adds elements of Alt-Country,and dare we say a little Sci-Fi to break up the mix. His new record “Like My Life Depends On It,” is the perfect first glimpse into the world of the artist.
Each song draws inspiration from an eclectic batch of artists from Chet Atkins to Iron Maiden…all who Alien Country calls influences. On the record we hear an artist steadily on the rise as he comes alive in tracks such as “So Called Friends,” and “Reality Check” which make us want to dive deeper into the record. Torres’ vocals are unforgettable as they are laced with witty lyricism.
Alongside catchy instrumenation, Alien Country has the reciepe for success…and it’s a tasty one at that. Alien Country’s “Like My Life Depends On It,” is out now.
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