Corinne Cook “Those Few Dreams”
Corinne Cook “Those Few Dreams”
In 2018, to say that the majority of the singles on Top 40 radio are a little over the top lyrically is to put it more than mildly. The pathetic thing is that in all of their self-indulgence, there’s almost no positive messages among them. Just a lot of megalomania, selfishness and greed for the most part, and that hardly helps matters when you’ve got a country in the middle of a cultural civil war that has people literally pitted against each other over the pettiest of reasons. Politics aside, there’s no denying that music that comes wrapped in positivity and warmth is far superior to most dirges you’ll get on the FM dial any day, and exhibiting some of her finer points at this task is none other than critically acclaimed and audience beloved country singer Corinne Cook, whose new song “Those Few Dreams” is a wonderfully charming addition to this dismal year of releases in pop-country music.
Featuring such staple Nashville players as acoustic guitarist Scott Neubert (Hal Ketchum, Emmy Lou Harris), drummer William Ellis (Montgomery Gentry, Martina McBride), bass player Matt McGee (Jimmy C. Neuman), keyboardist Dwain Rowe (Clint Black, Kenny Rogers), and axe man Jason Roller (Alabama, Joe Diffie) providing some excellent color on the electric guitar, “Those Few Dreams” is one of the brighter tracks to emerge out of Nashville this year. Immaculately produced by Denny Martin, you can tell that Cook feels especially comfortable when she’s in the studio doing what she does best. There’s a sense of total relaxation that she conveys when she’s singing that is something only true professionals possess, and she’s got it in spades. Her relaxed approach and natural ease makes it much easier for her to illustrate the gorgeous landscapes of our vast nation through such ironically diverse textures in “Those Few Dreams,” an artistic reference to how varied and broadly shaped our country is. Not to mention thanks to Martin’s excellent work behind the controls, the clear production quality lets us enjoy all of the incredible intricacies that Cook’s voice consists of when broken down and studied closely.
Corinne Cook isn’t just a great voice in country music right now, she could arguably be one of the best if she were given the exposure that she deserves on mainstream country radio. This summer has got all the makings of being a turning point in her career, and I think “Those Few Dreams” and its powerful message are a great way to kick off the next chapter of her life and work. Music has always been the major force of healing for every generation throughout history in some way or another, and it takes a special kind of artist to administer that healing right now, in this delicate and sensitive state of affairs. I have confidence that Cook can live up to the responsibilities of the job, and this latest song does a lot to back up that statement. Her fan base will absolutely love this, and I think that they will be far from the only people who are just itching to soak up a freewheeling country ballad that celebrates everything that makes our country great.
Mindy McCall