Fresh Festive Melodies In a Sparkling Original Christmas Collection

Many Christmas-oriented CD’s I recently received are good. However, they rehash the reliable standards that have been heard for decades. Different arrangements, a change in tempo and basically, the same approach.
Recently I reviewed a Swedish compilation that featured several American artists and artists from other countries who recorded new Christmas tunes. Their take on some situations during Christmas is what I found appealing. Some were dark, some cheerful and some were humorous. “Won’t Be Home for Christmas,” was 18-tracks of Christmas in a definitely different neighborhood.
What was sent to me here was not really intended to be reviewed – or, at least the artist didn’t request a review. But, I listened to this Christmas CD and liked its fresh festive edge and the sincere vocal that was not set on automatic. It’s eleven originals that conclude with the traditional (Joseph Mohr/Franz Gruber) “Silent Night,” with piano played by Mary Garibaldi — rendered with Katie’s child-like voice and it’s penetrating. It also brings the entire collection full circle and is the only standard.
Kate Garibaldi is a wonderful and talented San Francisco based Americana-Roots singer who has released her originals independently but what I found intriguing was the brave and generous gesture this young lady made as an independent artist. She focused solely on a limited seasonal release and spent her money to record, assemble an eleven-piece band and package it like a festive “gift” to her audience. Independent artists usually don’t have those resources or a major record label to pick up the tab.
Nevertheless, “Home Sweet Christmas,” is a sparkling collection of new and original Christmas. Of all – at least two could become standards if these songs are noticed and covered by other singers. What is also wonderful is that there are a few songs here that even non-Christians could appreciate if they too celebrate their own similar holidays. And why not? It’s a time of brotherhood, forgiveness, burying the hatchet, showing appreciation to others, and getting into a much-needed spirit this world actually needs more than ever. If a little Christmas song succeeds in providing that feeling — so be it.
The collection starts with “Happy Married Christmas.” Katie’s confident vocal and seasonal chiming bells, acoustic guitar and pure presentation make this worthwhile. Nothing more. No soaring solos, showboating, or slick overproduced performances. Despite the album’s slow start, she does build up to full strength as the songs unravel like colorful Christmas ribbons: “Star in the East,” is a pleasant ballad again with fine vocalizing which is Katie’s forte. By track three, Katie slides into a more soulful 60’s Christmas with “Jesus Touched My Heart,” and if you’re a baby-boomer it will put you back in a time when Christmas songs were sung by Chubby Checker, Bobby Rydell, the Ronettes and Bobby Helms. And it was all truly festive if not fun.
Leaving no stone unturned, Katie performs “Unhappy Holiday,” in a more countrified fashion. What is noticeable is that all the musicians perform proficiently and wonderfully on each track. “The Times I Love the Most (California Christmas),” has a great, memorable melody and a very well-worked out musical break where the musicians shine.
As I mentioned earlier, some songs may eventually or rather, should eventually, become new standards. The Alison Krauss-oriented vocals with near-operatic Susan Osborne (Paul Winter Consort – “Lay Your Burden Down”) moments on “Wonderful Mother Mary,” makes this addition a buttery, savory song. Beautiful melody and in an excellent Christmas addition. Very impressive range in Katie’s vocal, her tone and inflection, her phrasing — all impeccable. If none of the other songs grabbed your ears (and I would find that hard to believe) then this song is the show stopper. The progression of the melody is stirring and every lyric is clearly deciphered. This one’s on replay for the next four weeks.
Katie continues with her dependable country-style Christmas arrangement with “Love on Christmas Day,” and a more upbeat approach with “Holy Spirit in My Heart.” Coming out of an upbeat holiday track Katie comes back with a slower, steadier “Safe and Warm (Lullaby for Jesus)” which borders on a more gospel-spiritual genre. Katie’s diversification is evident and she plies these styles with her effective voice and acoustic guitar. It’s all done with proficiency and beauty. You can tell by her enthusiasm that she means every word she sings.
Track ten is the beautiful “Tomorrow Is Christmas Morning,” (featuring the violin of Charith Premawardhana and cello of Gabriel Beistline). The final original is “Our Home Awaits Us,” — a nice acoustic guitar ballad, joined by violin (Emily Botel) and it’s quite memorable. Nothing on this holiday collection is sappy, cliché-oriented or novelty. They are all serious-minded well-written and sung songs that are now out there to mold themselves into possible standards – even the classic “Silent Night,” had to start somewhere and wasn’t always the classic it has become.
Kevin Blair plucked the bass/upright bass; Todd Richardson hammered away on drums & percussion; Jon Mitguard coaxed the pedal steel; Arturo Garza tinkled the ivories; Helen Newby drew a bow across her cello; with backup vocals by Misa Malone, Jessica Allison and Drew Cheshire.
This was an ambitious effort and the truth came out in the final product – just about every song is festive and enjoyable. Christmas music has to conjure the spirit of the season — these succeed.
The album was produced by Katie Garibaldi. The CD package was designed by Katherine Forbes for Designing the Row and all the photos in the album were by Meg’s Marvels Photography. The CD is a six-panel full color fold out varnished or aqueous coated for a nice sleek glossy feel. The only drawback? Should have included the lyrics in a little-stitched book so listeners could sing along with their hot chocolate or Irish coffee. It is that good.
As for Katie – she’s done a wonderous, generous job and it shows on this collection by everyone who participated. Merry Christmas indeed.
Music Samples from Spotify:
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this review/commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of No Depression. All photography is owned by the respective photographers and is their copyrighted image; credited where photographer’s name was known & being used here solely as a reference and will be removed on request. YouTube images are standard YouTube license.
John Apice / No Depression / December 2017