I first came across Gary O’Dea many years ago via an EP called TWENTY YEARS OF LOVE AND PAIN produced by celebrated songsmith and troubadour Martin Stephenson. He followed this with a limited edition CD album a couple of years ago called LOOKING FORWARD BY THINKING BACK…he’s now back with a superb new album ‘FLY’.
A brilliantly honest collection of songs such as BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR / IN A ZONE etc set the tone and THINGS ARE GONNA’ CHANGE – a song that carries a feeling of Elvis Presley’s ‘In The Ghetto’ whilst tipping a cap to the turmoil of Joy Divisions Ian Curtis and the line ‘Love’s Gonna Tear Us Apart Again’ (that may sound off the wall to you…but it works a treat believe me )…it features The Birmingham Clarion Singers Socialist Choir as well) and how man’s ability to repent is essential for his salvation. The song INTERLUDE strikes back at the media driven drivel we get force fed and the insanity of our consumer driven society and its ambition of ‘self’!
Gary carry’s his ‘working class socialist’ banner with pride and songs like BUILD IT LIKE A ROCK crave for a more representative political system and the campaign for None Of The Above on ballot sheets, he gives mention to Robert Tressell author of the classic social novel The Ragged Trousered Philanthropist in the folky stomper ALL DOWN THE DAYS.
I have tried to steer clear of too many references regarding Gary’s musical influences, every Gary O’Dea song sounds mostly like a Gary O’Dea song … and yet, I feel able to say there is more than a generous sprinkling of American ‘acoustic based southern soul’ upon the album. It’s a rare fish to catch, it’s the kind that classic American 60’s songwriters such as Penn and Oldham stocked their pools with and were fished in by the likes of British songwriters such as Ronnie Lane…and more recently the ‘English Soul’ of Mr Weller esquire even (for those that need a more familiar figure to identify the comparison with), particularly on one of my two personal favourite tracks (thus far), YOU, ME AND AL GREEN and the stunning title track FLY and it’s chilled out acoustic jazz groove.
Gary’s creative force and optimism is hugely evident in the songs of this new album, yet they are more than songs, they are windows to look into…and out of. I would urge everyone to grab themselves a copy of this wonderful album and let ‘the wings of love carry you away’…FLY HIGH.
Pete Shields
You can listen to and purchase ” FLY ” via this link :