Jamie & Steve Offer Yet Another Perfect Pairing
The Spongetones aren’t exactly what you would call your basic household name, but former bandmates Jamie Hoover and Steve Stoeckel do deserve credit for an ability to produce almost perfect pop, the kind that strikes an immediate impression even on first listen. Hoover and Stoeckel have a terrific savvy and affinity when it comes to making memorable records, and although their new joint effort, Sub Textural, is only six songs in duration, it offers enough substantive material to affirm their creative prowess. While the brevity of the effort all but ensures that the odds against failure are stacked in their favor, the duo makes it clear that that they have matters well in hand when it comes to crafting exceptional songs. From the robust opener “Sword of Love” through the dreamy ballad “Flutter,” the funky deconstruction of “In a Little Tango” and the sprightly refrain of “Cry,” the music remains consistently compelling and quick to find the kind of connection that lingers long after the final notes fade away. Indeed, their ability to craft such consistently tuneful entires all but assures instant appeal.