Jeff Finlin – Angels In Disguise
JEFF Finlins narrative songs are soaking in imagery about traveling, leaving, living in the moment and regret. They are colored with drive-through biscuits, carousel horses, skull-and-crossbones tattoos, skimming stones and coffee-colored skylines.
In Nothings Enough, Finlin sings, We had it all, we wanted more/Yes that was it, in all respects/Some kind of perfect love/In the light of the wreck. The song, too, is some kind of perfect, blending clarinet, synthesizer and an eerie saw guitar with piano, bass and drums to tell the story of a relationship at a crossroads.
Most of the album is steeped firmly in Americana and roots music. The soaring guitar work of Pat Buchanan and Will Kimbrough give Finlins music an added edge. Buchanans slide work on Better Than This knocks the song into high gear, while Kimbroughs pedal steel adds a layer of emotion to Bringin My Love.
Front and center in each song are Finlins rough-hewn vocals; he knows how to use his limited vocal range to his advantage. This is most evident on The Long Lonesome Death Of The Traveling Man and Soho Rain, two beautiful ballads that build slowly and emotionally, with Finlins stretched vocals leading the way.