Josee Allard – Day By Day

A new voice has burst on the North Country music scene: Canadian born transplant Josee Allard. Josee is a singer/ songwriter and a good one. With family roots in Quebec, via British Columbia, Ms. Allard mixes a west coast attitude with a hint of a French accent and lots of bubbly notes and crafty lyrics. She’s not a folk singer, in the classic sense of the word, and her newly released CD (this is her third) mixes pop hooks and grooves with discreet Jazz meanderings. Her voice is well up to the task of delivering the songs confidently and joyously. Backing music by producer Pascal Dufour embellishes the entire recording and Elizabeth Blouin Brathwaite helps out on percussions and vocals on last song, Day by Day.
Leading off the recording is “Don’t Get Bent”, a carefree daytrip to the west coast of Washington State, and sets the tone for the whole CD. Like Allard herself, the music is upbeat, friendly, fun. “Sunshine Inn” follows suite, with more summer beach imagery. The bridge is a winter lament, and then the summer sun returns.
“Chocolate”, beginning with its delicate piano intro, has the ingredients of a hit song. Were Ms. Allard not only 30 years old, I‘d swear I heard this song in a swanky Jekyll Island beachfront night club 35 years ago. Certainly has that sultry feel. “Friend” is just plain a nice song.
The CD closes with the philosophical “Day By Day”. On this song, as she does in her live performances, Josee Allard welcomes the listener into her private world. Maybe she’s too young to be cynical, maybe it’s a deliberate stand to remain upbeat, but it all leaves you feeling good. My only complaint with this CD is, with only five songs, it’s too short. Give us more, Josee Allard.
Josee plays both sides of the border. Her booking is handled by Marie Claude Meunier with mc music agency at CDs can be purchased through the artist’s website :