Lexie Rose – On My Own
URL: https://www.lexierosemusic.com/
SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/lexierosesongs/sets/on-my-own/s-iBvmo
Since first putting her music out for public consumption at age fourteen, Lexie Rose has been working hard to develop her budding talents and preparing for a long musical career. The results of that sweat and effort can be appreciated on the five song EP On My Own, produced by Max Allyn, and positions Rose as one of the best developing talents on the scene, male or female, any musical style. She sounds further along in that development at age seventeen than most sound like even in their mid twenties and it’s clear that she has a deep well of creativity to draw from that makes this material really leap out of the speakers. Despite the obviously personal nature behind these songs, Rose works hard to make sure they don’t just speak from her personal experience but, also, speak to universal experiences shared by all her listeners. It’s quite an entertaining and worthwhile ride.
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3zCZcf2i2vEHHjRYIPZA90?si=GX8bqH5UQnekiDKXeioqiA
“20 Weeks” starts On My Own with resounding meaning. It’s a song that brings us into her personal world without ever seeming too remote from listener’s experience. Any listener with a degree of sophistication will be able to relate the eminently human emotions she delves into with “20 Weeks” and gives it an appropriately creative musical arrangement. “Join Me” takes things in a little odder direction and continues to show the same penchant for blending together a number of textures into a cohesive, imaginative whole while also emphasizing the vocals and concentrating on giving listeners another relatable lyric. “Wrong” presents her memorable vocals in an entirely different context than we’ve previously experienced on On My Own and there are some moments, albeit brief, when her voice is the song’s sole focus.
VEVO: https://www.vevo.com/watch/lexie-rose/wrong-(official-video)/QMGR31712706
“That’s Why” brings things back in a more commercial direction, but Rose is a rare performer for someone so young in another important way – she’s able to craft material open to a wide swath of listeners without ever apparently compromising her own musical ambitions. Seemingly disparate musical ideas come together time after time in her songs and sound like they are perfectly matched for one another. The EP closer is a title track that lives up to that slot with a track that has ambition to burn while further developing the musical ideas she’s already exposed us to. The development is so colorful and robust that this is a clear ending for the EP, the ending it deserves, and Lexie Rose meets its challenge. On My Own finds this seventeen year old making a serious foray into the popular music world that boasts incredible depths without ever losing a base connection with its intended audience. This is as good of a first EP as any young musical artist can hope for and sets Rose up for the future in a way that few talents of her generation can match.
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/lexieroses/
Mindy McCall