Rafa Selase’s “Beauty of the Warrior” is majestic and cinematic
Pianist/composer Rafa Selase delivers a hypnotic pull with his single, “Beauty of the Warrior.” Reflecting the musical adventurousness and eclectic artistic brew of his Bay Area roots, Selase has a stunning body of work that encompasses everything from spoken word to acid jazz to New Age. With inspirations as diverse as Gil Scott-Heron, Elton John, and Hugh Masekela, Selase is a powerful new talent, capturing the multicultural mix of today’s global music scene.
On “Beauty of the Warrior,” Selase focuses on the cinematic aspects of his creativity. This is mood music with soul and purpose, an evocative instrumental that reflects the majesty of Native American warriors. Selase’s melancholic piano seems to illustrate a warrior’s last stand in battle, the proud final moments of life. Images rush through the mind like reels of film. This is visionary work, the kind that stays with you long after its heard. A powerful statement that doesn’t need words.