The Blackheart Orchestra – Diving For Roses

The Blackheart Orchestra
Diving For Roses
Tracks: 12
Chrissy Mostyn and Rick Pilkington, aka The Blackheart Orchestra, from Manchester, have in recent years been working on something of a musical reinvention, and the long awaited release of Diving For Roses is testament to that evolution. I have to begin by saying how stunning the CD artwork is; beautiful. Their name has evolved from Blackheart to The Blackheart Orchestra and it is clear to see why; you could easily be forgiven for thinking that there is an entire orchestra accompanying them. It is remarkable what sounds and effects can be created by just two people! Between them they utilise acoustic guitars, electric guitars, bass, piano, organ, synthesiser, drums, percussion, omnichord, portasound, heartbeat and breaths. That’s no small list, without even considering the exquisite vocals and perfect harmonies. Chrissy has been compared at times to Kate Bush and I can see the similarity, although I think Chrissy’s voice has Avery distinctive sound all of its own.
Produced by themselves, along with Glenn Philips and John Ravenhall, the CD features twelve new tracks, all written by Chrissy and Rick. Their lyrics are as intense and pensive as ever. It is difficult to choose between them, but I would have to say that stand out tracks for me include Sebastian, Now That We Are Ghosts, Darling Africa and Falling. Together, they offer a sound that is ethereal, haunting, thought provoking and dramatic.
The musical path this duo is carving is truly something different; unique, creative, intriguing, it honestly needs to be heard to be appreciated.