The Native Sibling – Letters Kept to Ourselves

In accord with our recent tendency to cover the occasional non-traditional folk artist, we present another young, modern band making waves in the world of acoustic music. The Santa Cruz-based brother-sister duo of Ryan and Kaylee Williams — calling themselves the Native Sibling — have just released a video for their latest single “Here With Me.” Their new album Letters Kept to Ourselves will hit the streets on June 24. Ten smoothly arranged tracks from producer Daniel Mendez feature gorgeous harmonies that swim calmly on a sea of warm keys and woody acoustic guitars. Through this record runs a brilliant river of summer song, a stream that is certain to see repeated spins over here at Fiddlefreak World Headquarters.
Joy Williams of the Civil Wars, who was once a nanny for the siblings in their childhood, is cited as an influence on Kaylee Williams’ style. One could not be faulted for recognizing traces of the Mumford sound on Letters as well, although we humbly offer that this new record rings kinder to the ear than either Mumfords or Civil Wars. That’s how we hear it anyway. Recommended!
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