Folk music was never supposed to be processed and sanitized radio-ready jingles. This movement happened in 2008, ominously around the same time as the Great Recession, when I guess there was a sort of nostalgia for roots music from the […]
Folk music was never supposed to be processed and sanitized radio-ready jingles. This movement happened in 2008, ominously around the same time as the Great Recession, when I guess there was a sort of nostalgia for roots music from the […]
As Ian Felice drawls on the opening track of Felice Navidad, “It’s Christmas 2015, in this shit-eating corporate dream.” This is a different kind of Christmas album — a dollar store Christmas. Of course, those familiar with the band will know “Ruby Mae” […]
FRESH TRACK: Lilly Hiatt – “Shouldn’t Be”Check it out
SPONSORED BY New West Records