Apathy is the Enemy of Live Entertainment
Imagine a world with no live entertainment — no concerts by your favorite bands, no shows at the corner pub and no open mic nights enabling little Johnny to develop his performance skills. An alarming number of music venues are closing their doors due to widespread apathy and competition from entertainment sources like the internet and cable television networks. The sterile images that emanate from your 42-inch window on the world are no substitute for the excitement of a live performance and the exhilaration of being surrounded by several hundred like-minded fans who are responding simultaneously to cues from the stage. Admittedly, sitting mindlessly on the couch watching that big screen TV requires little effort, but the experience is a poor substitute for a live performance.
The elbow-to-elbow social interaction of the live music experience is under attack by a barrage of internet video sources. Why go out and experience the excitement of a live performance when you can stream hours of poorly produced video from people covering songs originally produced by musicians that may be playing a few miles from your living room? The energy and excitement of a live performance can not be duplicated by any electronic device.
Force yourself to get up, leave the comfort of that cozy living room, and experience the wonders of face-to-face interaction with real human beings. Break out of that emotionally stifling prison you call home and experience the excitement of a live theater production, a concert, or a local band playing the neighborhood pub.
If those of you enslaved by your electronic devices experience a brief period of lucidity and the television loosens its grip, don’t be surprised if the local concert hall or neighborhood pub have closed their doors and no longer offer live entertainment. Imagine a world with no concerts, no dance halls, no live theater, and no opportunity for personal interaction with other living breathing human beings. Get off the couch and explore your live entertainment options before they disappear.
You can save yourself from a boring and mundane existence. Help break the cycle of apathy.