As with each of her previous three albums, Beth Bombara’s distinct vocals and perceptive lyrics on It All Goes Up leave a deep impression. But where It All Goes Up differs is in the sense of space she creates with […]
As with each of her previous three albums, Beth Bombara’s distinct vocals and perceptive lyrics on It All Goes Up leave a deep impression. But where It All Goes Up differs is in the sense of space she creates with […]
“Don’t think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art.” -Andy Warhol When Beth Bombara and I […]
It’s time to give a special nod to all the wonderful community — mostly volunteer — radio stations across the U.S. Many of these stations have no outside network feeds, just an eclectic mix of music shows, entirely locally programmed. St. Louis’ KDHX is one of […]
FRESH TRACK: Matt Andersen – “Magnolia”Check it out
SPONSORED BY Sonic Records