It ought to come as no surprise to those who have followed his prodigious career over the course of the past several decades that Bill Mallonee is the very definition of an industrious entrepreneur. Beginning with his initial efforts at […]
It ought to come as no surprise to those who have followed his prodigious career over the course of the past several decades that Bill Mallonee is the very definition of an industrious entrepreneur. Beginning with his initial efforts at […]
Anyone who’s tuned into Elizabeth Cook’s “Apron Strings” radio show on Sirius XM probably wouldn’t peg her as the dark sort, but her latest album is full of raw and honest explorations of life’s darker sides. You can read more […]
Most people know that “favorite” and “best” are not synonyms. Likewise, most people, I think, are also aware that the majority of the “best of” lists that pop up towards the end of each year are really the writer’s favorites. With […]
You’ll never find as committed a multitasker as Bill Mallonee. That’s simply a fact. Formerly leader of the much respected but sadly departed (for now, anyway) Vigilantes of Love, Mallonee releases an average of at least one album every three […]
Note: this review was originally posted on my blog, and the tone is not intended for the vast majority of the No Depression community – a community filled with music lovers who have proven to have a great capacity to […]
In one of my favorite promo photos of Bill Mallonee, the acclaimed singer-songwriter sits at the end of a bar with a contented look on his face that belies the struggles and road-weariness that are included in the prize bag […]
Like a high school sophomore looking for an A on a term paper, Bill Mallonee declares his thesis in the first line: “You need the songs of forever/All those ones about lost and found/After all this dust settles down.” Scratch […]
FRESH TRACK: TT – “My Confession”Check it out