Chris Hickey’s Love Away (Work-fire Recordings) was one of my favorite albums of 2014. I was introduced to Hickey in 1987 with his DIY lo-tech but not lo-fi album Looking for Anything [1] and I’ve been a fan ever since. Love […]
Chris Hickey’s Love Away (Work-fire Recordings) was one of my favorite albums of 2014. I was introduced to Hickey in 1987 with his DIY lo-tech but not lo-fi album Looking for Anything [1] and I’ve been a fan ever since. Love […]
Texas-born Chris Whitley was initially steeped in pure Americana; who can forget his 1991 debut Living With The Law and its otherworldly evocations of dusty ruralities and big sky country? Since then, though, the National steel virtuoso has traveled the […]
Chris Whitley has been one of the most expansive voices to fall under the loose rubric of blues in eons. That doesn’t mean he plays faster or wails more rapturously or dazzles within the context of those ubiquitous 1-4-5 changes. […]
Hotel Vast Horizon begins with a breath, the briefest of exhalations, a sigh almost. A snare drum stirs. And Chris Whitley takes his post as a tour guide into the “New Lost World”. Whitley can rock, sure, but at his […]
This seventeen-song set makes an effective introduction to Chris Whitley. His first appearance on the scene found him treading a rootsy path, infusing his blues-based songs, singing and guitar playing with remarkably deep resonance. Subsequent forays into loudly electric realms […]
I still admire singer-guitarist Chris Whitley for following up his mostly acoustic debut, Living With The Law, with a white-noise album loud enough to make Sonic Youth wear earplugs. But it couldn’t have been good for his career. Whitley, a […]
Great records always push a feeling onto the listener, and often that feeling is strongly associated with a time and place. Who can listen to a Beach Boys hit and not think of summer sun? Cant you just smell the […]
FRESH TRACK: Ghost Hounds – “House A Home”Check it out
SPONSORED BY Gibson Records