A wonderful performance by singer-songwriter Gurf Morlix
Kick the dust off your dad’s old cans from the ’70s and rev through four new records that’ll have your ear transmission shifting to accommodate. Swedish indie-popper Jens Lekman leads the charge with uncanny steel drums and a sunny disposition […]
The ninth album from Gurf Morlix, the ace Austin producer and guitarist, finds him digging deeper and seeing the light. On The Soul and the Heal (out February 3 on Rootball Records), the deep is dark. The light is love. […]
They may not smoke marijuana in Muskogee, but they sure do love country music in places like Vinstra, Gulsrud, and Seljord. Last weekend, just a couple of days before the Austin-based group High Plains Jamboree took off for a few weeks […]
It is a fool who glorifies combat. Still, the military recruits young, they recruit poor. It is a wonderful vehicle for those without many options; a chance for the poor but ambitious to attend college, and a quick ticket to […]
Two years ago, Gurf Morlix’s Finds the Present Tense, found the singer-songwriter contending with noir-like inevitability and consequences. His protagonists were hung-up in the here-and-now, at intersections whose resolutions were one-way streets to the future. His new collection shifts the […]
FRESH TRACK: TT – “My Confession”Check it out