Singer, songwriter and guitor player Gurf Morlix performed at the Don Walser reunion tribute at the Broken Spoke in Austin Jan. 20, 2015. Morlix, formerly the guitar player for Lucinda Williams, performs solo or fronts his own band these days.
Singer, songwriter and guitor player Gurf Morlix performed at the Don Walser reunion tribute at the Broken Spoke in Austin Jan. 20, 2015. Morlix, formerly the guitar player for Lucinda Williams, performs solo or fronts his own band these days.
A lot of the music I listened to as I was “coming of age” I believed really meant something. I was fueled and fired with angst and passion and not any damn idea of what the hell to do with […]
The words roll out in Gurf Morlix’s old soul voice as if from a seer delivering eternal knowledge, a medicine man calling up the Great Spirit or a miracle cure: “Birth to boneyard, boom to bust/Everything falls apart like it […]
If honky-tonk country were written in haiku, Gurf Morlix could be the music’s zen master. Though the Austin-based Morlix remains best-known as an ace producer/guitarist (from Lucinda Williams through Ray Wylie Hubbard and Slaid Cleaves), his third solo album showcases […]
Gurf Morlix, the self-named producer and sideman for everyone, can, it turns out, write like a mother, sing like a mother: in short, deliver like a mother. Alt-country/folk-rock in the vein of once or future Gurflings such as Buddy & […]
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