Buddy Miller & Jim Lauderdale discuss the workings of pedal steel with Larry Campbell
Singing Attics of My Mind, Grateful Dead Tribute show, Cayamo 2016
Singing Black Muddy River, Grateful Dead Tribute show, Cayamo 2016
Larry Campbell’s mando and Dan Walker’s accordion add lushness to a Shawn Mullins and band jam.
Buddy Miller performs with Larry Campbell at the Grateful Dead Tribute show on Cayamo 2016.
Americana music can claim several music towns as its home. There was Austin in the early 1970s, Laurel Canyon during the same time, Muscle Shoals in the late ’60s and early ’70s (though less a scene in the same sense […]
On the last night of Cayamo 2015 it was a wrap for the Buddy Miller and Friends: Cayamo Sessions At Sea. Everyone went over to the Shawn Colvin and Friends show after the recordings were complete in the Stardust theater.
Stuart Mathis, Gordon Hammond and Fats Kaplin recording “Hickory Wind” for the Buddy Miller and Friends: Cayamo Sessions At Sea.
Jill Andrews, Buddy Miller and David Jacques (from John Prine’s touring band) seem real happy with one of the takes for Cayamo Sessions at Sea.
FRESH TRACK: TT – “My Confession”Check it out