Thirty years into his career, Lloyd Cole can’t exactly “go” electric; that honor belongs to the Commotions’ 1984 debut, Rattlesnakes. But after a decade making what he terms “age appropriate music,” he’s “re-gone” electric with an album that reteams him […]
The title song to Lloyd Cole’s Music In A Foreign Language is so exquisitely written, so proficiently executed, that it makes even the most mannered singer-songwriter sound slovenly. Not just poetic, the lyrics are rendered like a poem — sung, […]
There was a time when Lloyd Cole, along with his Commotions, inspired anticipation with each new release, and rightly so. Coles cool smooth vocals, supple guitar and smoldering pop songs made him the pouting post-new-wave poster boy for brainy rock […]
FRESH TRACK: Matt Andersen – “Magnolia”Check it out
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